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Hon. Treasurer Mr Maurice Ashford – RIP

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death on Wednesday 16th January, of our Honorary Treasurer Mr Maurice Ashford.

His funeral took place at St Paul’s on Wednesday 23rd January and our Senior Chaplain Revd. Canon Leonard Doolan officiated. Read his tribute below.


Anglican story Feature

Anglican Story A series of sessions to explore who we are what we believe and how that affects what we do, as Christians in the Anglican tradition.

January – June 2019


Our Christian faith doesn’t stand still.

Life’s journey – the places and people, joys and sorrows we have known; they all have an influence on the shape of our faith today.

And there is always more to ask, learn and discover.

Anglican Story is a series of sessions designed to help us explore who we are, what we believe and how that affects what we do, as Christians in the Anglican tradition.

Each session will begin with a Bible reading and introductory talk on a particular theme from Fr James, followed by a time of discussion and exploration of the issues it raises for each of us.

No question will be out of bounds and we will hopefully discover some answers from, and with, each other.

We will end each session with a period of quiet reflection to consider all we have shared.

No matter for how long or short a time you have been aware of your faith, why not take this opportunity for refreshment and enrichment in the company of fellow pilgrims on the way?


Sessions will last approx. 1.5 hours and will be held twice monthly on Wednesdays, once a month at the Swedish Centre (following on from Community Connect, at approx. 12.30pm) and the alternate week in St Paul’s Church, immediately after the midweek service (approx.10.45am).

The dates, venues and topics for each session are outlined below. [Key: SwC = Swedish Centre; StP = St Paul’s Church]

Although the sessions will be most valuable for those who are able to attend the whole course, the individual sessions will also be ‘standalone’ and it will be possible to dip in and out if you’re unable to make every one. 


Community Connect meets every month in Athens and Kifissia

Athens and Kifissia Community Connect cut their Vassilopitta

On the 2nd Wednesday of January 2019, Community Connect Athens met for the first time in 2019 to wish everyone a Happy New Year and to cut the Vassilopitta.

There were warm sausage rolls and other cakes to munch on with our coffee prior to the cutting of the Vassilopitta.  Fr James said a short prayer and blessed the cake and the children blew out the candle!

For those of you who live outside Greece, the Vassilopitta is a large cake in which the bakers have placed a “gold” coin.  When the cake is cut, whoever gets the coin in their slice of cake is purported to have Good Luck all year round!


22nd Evensong BLog

XXII (22nd) Choral Evensong

XΧΙΙ (22nd) Choral Evensong at St. Paul’s Anglican Church (Philellinon 27, 10557 Syntagma) on Sunday, January 20, 2019,  6:30-7:30 p.m.

Collegium & Cappella Sancti Pauli conducted by Iason Marmaras

Minister: The Reverend Canon Leonard Doolan

free admission, discretionary donation


The Renaissance Choral Evensong services at St Paul’s are organised by the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli, the Athens Centre for Early Music, and St Paul’s Anglican Church.

The choir Cappella Sancti Pauli, under the direction of Iason Marmaras, sing a series of Choral Evensong services that aim to revive the musical and liturgical practice at Cathedrals and Chapels during the Renaissance, but also the experience that musicians had of this music at those times, looking at the music as a functional part of the liturgy, rather than as a building-block for concerts.


More information at:

St Paul's Logo f.i.

Supporting Ministry and Mission at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Athens

Supporting Ministry and Mission at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Athens

At St. Paul’s there is a proud record of supporting programmes that assist Athens’ citizens in times of need, as well as working with refugees and migrants. Most of the money we use to support the everyday life of the church is raised locally in Athens.


We need YOUR HELP to be able to continue our work in maintaining a presence in Athens and supporting ALL members of the Athens community, whether they are regular church-goers or not.



January/February Liturgy at St Paul’s

January/February Liturgy at St. Paul’s Athens                                                               

Jan 6th      10.15hrs  Epiphany Sunday

                  18.00hrs  Swedish Mass

Jan 13th    10.15hrs   Baptism of Christ (Theophania)

Jan 20th   10.15hrs  3rd Sunday of Epiphany

                   18.30hrs   Choral Evensong

Jan  27th   10.00hrs   Liturgy for the Conversion of St. Paul

                                      (Patronal Festival)

Feb 3rd       10.15hrs  Liturgy for Presentation of Christ at the Temple

                   (Baptism and Confirmation with +Lord Bishop of Europe)

Feb 10th     10.15hrs  4th Sunday before Lent

                    18.00hrs  Swedish Mass

Feb 17th      10.15hrs  3rd before Lent

                     18.30hrs  Choral Evensong

Feb 24th    10.15am 2nd before Lent

Every Wednesday in January – Liturgy at 10.00am

Every Sunday at 10.15am (except 13th) – Sunday School

Evensong 1

21st Choral Evensong at St Paul’s Anglican Church

XXIst Choral Evensong at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Sunday, December 23rd, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Filellinon 27, 10557 Syntagma.

Collegium & Cappella Sancti Pauli conducted by Iason Marmaras

Minister: The Reverend Canon Leonard Doolan

free admission, discretionary donation

The Renaissance Choral Evensong services at St Paul’s are organised by the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli, the Athens Centre for Early Music, and St Paul’s Anglican Church.

The choir Cappella Sancti Pauli, under the direction of Iason Marmaras, sing a series of Choral Evensong services that aim to revive the musical and liturgical practice at Cathedrals and Chapels during the Renaissance, but also the experience that musicians had of this music at those times, looking at the music as a functional part of the liturgy, rather than as a building-block for concerts.


More information at:

ChristmasArrivals 2018

Singalong Christmas at St Paul’s

The annual Christmas Singalong will take place at St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens on Sunday 16th December at 20.00 hrs.


Come along and bring family and friends to what is always a very jolly occasion.  Singalong to old favourites – Carols and Christmas songs – sip a warming glass of mulled wine and munch on a slice of Stollen.  There will be soft drinks available for children.

Come early to grab a seat and make sure your voices are in tip top condition – we aim to raise our voices to the rafters!

Entrance fee 5€ for adults.

Christmas Services at St Paul's Anglican Church Athens

Christmas Services at St Paul’s

Please check out all the services and events at St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens this holy and festive season.

There will be something for everyone to participate in from Singalong Christmas Carols and Songs, to Singalong Messiah; from a service of Lessons and Carols to Midnight mass and the Family Christmas Day service.

We have much to celebrate and be thankful for so do come along and join us at one of our services.