Bible Studies picture

A short order of service for Praying daily at home in the morning and evening

+Both morning and evening begin with:

Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy  Spirit. Amen.


+Morning only:

Come, let us sing to the Lord:

Let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation.

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving:

And raise a loud shout to him with psalms.

For  the Lord God is a great God:

And a great King above all gods.

In his hands are the depths of the earth;

And the heights of the hills are his also.

The sea is his for he made it;

And his hands have moulded the dry land.

Come, let us bow down and bend the knee;

And kneel before the Lord our Maker.

For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture

And  the sheep of his hand.


Bible Study Picture

An Introduction to the liturgy and practices of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter


School of Prayer and Study

(ForThe Anglican Church in Greece and the Anglican Diocese of Cameroon

An Introduction to the liturgy and practices of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter

Revd. Canon Leonard Doolan

Senior Chaplain of the Anglican Church in Greece; Apokrisiarios of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece; Canon Theologian of the Diocese of Cameroon.

This short booklet is intended to help the reader to have a greater understanding of the richness of this season; its liturgies and practices; to give a brief overview, not a detailed and exhaustive history. The hope is that it will enhance your worship, and maybe explain a little more about why we do certain things. It certainly is intended to encourage the reader to engage with and experience as much of this season as possible. The whole season revolves around the mystery of Christ’s passion and resurrection, but there are liturgical ways in which we express this, and the booklet seeks to describe some of this.


Liturgical Developments

It is only in the last 50 or so years that the Church of England has been developing its liturgies for parish use. Up until Common Worship in the year 2000 the Book of Common Prayer determined official liturgical use. Those who were more exotic in their taste turned to Roman manuals for other material. Rich in its language and much loved in English culture, nonetheless BCP was restricted – restricted by the very thing that makes it beautiful, namely its old English, but also by the efforts of the Reformation itself to eradicate certain practices that were unacceptable at the time.


The Army chaplains of the First World War were the first to realize how inflexible the Prayer Book was as they ministered to dying men in the trenches of Northern Europe. More contemporary language was needed; pastoral flexibility in extremis was desirable. 1928 saw the first real attempt to revise the book that had determined how the Church of England worshipped. This failed to get approval in Parliament. The 1950’s saw the Parish Communion movement emerge, and there was need for different ways to express both the shape and structure of our worship, and the finer details of liturgical seasons.


With Vatican II coming along there was also greater co-operation between the Roman Catholic and Anglican (along with Methodists and URC) liturgical scholars, and the Church of England was becoming a more ‘liturgical beast’ wishing to rediscover things in the different seasons of the church’s year, especially the seasons that revolve most tightly around our Lord’s life, namely the Incarnation and the Resurrection (known better to us as Christmas and Easter). We were encouraged to think of seasons, or cycles, and not individual feasts. So there emerged the ‘incarnation cycle’ comprising Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany (with all its wonderful themes of  manifestation of God’s glory in Jesus, unity, mission.) The other great cycle is that of the resurrection, including Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and the Great Fifty Days that embrace Ascension and Pentecost.


For the development of the way we celebrated the Eucharist along came Series 1, 2 and 3; Then the ASB (1980), and ultimately Common Worship (2000). Accompanying developments in shape and text for the eucharist and other important services in the life of the church ‘resource books’ were published, principally The Promise of his Glory, Lent Holy Week and Easter, Celebrating Festivals, and Patterns for Worship. The publication Times and Seasons has brought together much of the material in these other books



Bishop Robert’s Lent Appeal 2019 goes to Athens Based Organisation

The Bishop of Gibralter in Europe, Bishop Robert, has agreed that this year his Lent Appeal will go to an Athens Based Charity, Hestia Hellas, who specialise in the care of those suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and other psycho-social illnesses.

The full text of his letter can be read here

Fr Leonard Doolan, our senior chaplain, has produced a video in conjunction with Hestia Hellas giving some idea of the work that Hestia undertakes. This can be viewed here

As Fr Leonard explains, there is very little money for Mental Health illnesses in Greece and organisations such as Hestia Hellas are increasingly finding themselves called upon to help those suffering from PTSD amongst them many children.



Deacon Christine Saccali’s speech to the gathering at Apostoli

APOSTOLI   2/02/19

Thank you.

Ambassador, Bishop, Metropolitan Gavriel, long standing friends and colleagues here in Athens.

As I look around the room it is indeed a great blessing to see you all here gathered for this event to celebrate all the worthy projects, partnerships and relationships that have been forged in Athens throughout the past few years since August 2015 when we here in Greece found ourselves suddenly thrown into the centre of a huge wave of migrating and displaced people washing up on our island shores before arriving in the port of Pireaus and moving on into this city’s squares.

There have been many comings and goings since then – not as many legally entitled beneficiaries moving on to their destinations as quickly as we would like, poor conditions for those who stay and the trickle who leave always being replaced by others on the move.


L – R: Revd. Canon Leonard Doolan, Metropolitan Gabriel, HE The British Ambassador, Bishop Robert, Revd. Duncan Dormer, Deacon Chris Saccali

A celebration at Apostoli

On Saturday 2nd February around 25 people met at Apostoli, the Social Mission Arm of the Orthodox Church.

Members of USPG, The Anglican Church and the Orthodox Church as well as various charities who have been helping with the outreach of its mission, met together to celebrate the bonds of solidarity and friendship that had been forged since 2015 when Greece found itself at the centre of the refugee crisis.

Bishop Robert spoke of how, during his tenure, Europe had suffered from two crises – the Financial and the Refugee, and Greece, one of the poorest members of the European Union, had found itself at the forefront of both; a situation manifestly unfair to the Greek People. But the Anglican Church in Athens and the Orthodox Church stood together and forged a partnership, together with USPG,  to help alleviate the suffering of those caught up in the crisis;  USPG have been vital in this work helping to channel over €400,000 through St Paul’s to people in Greece suffering from these crises.

“Church in the Street” distributes food twice a day to over 900 homeless and impoverished Greek families as well as refugees.  Two hostels have been set up for Women and unaccompanied minors who are most at risk in the camps, and organisations such as Medin, Lighthouse and Hestia have been given funds to help them to expand and continue their important work.



23rd Choral Evensong at St Paul’s Anglican Church

XXIII (23rd) Choral Evensong at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Sunday, February 17th, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Filellinon 27, 10557 Syntagma.

Collegium & Cappella Sancti Pauli conducted by Iason Marmaras

Minister: The Reverend Canon Leonard Doolan

free admission, discretionary donation

The Renaissance Choral Evensong services at St Paul’s are organised by the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli, the Athens Centre for Early Music, and St Paul’s Anglican Church.

The choir Cappella Sancti Pauli, under the direction of Iason Marmaras, sing a series of Choral Evensong services that aim to revive the musical and liturgical practice at Cathedrals and Chapels during the Renaissance, but also the experience that musicians had of this music at those times, looking at the music as a functional part of the liturgy, rather than as a building-block for concerts.


More information at:


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Hon. Treasurer Mr Maurice Ashford – RIP

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death on Wednesday 16th January, of our Honorary Treasurer Mr Maurice Ashford.

His funeral took place at St Paul’s on Wednesday 23rd January and our Senior Chaplain Revd. Canon Leonard Doolan officiated. Read his tribute below.


Anglican story Feature

Anglican Story A series of sessions to explore who we are what we believe and how that affects what we do, as Christians in the Anglican tradition.

January – June 2019


Our Christian faith doesn’t stand still.

Life’s journey – the places and people, joys and sorrows we have known; they all have an influence on the shape of our faith today.

And there is always more to ask, learn and discover.

Anglican Story is a series of sessions designed to help us explore who we are, what we believe and how that affects what we do, as Christians in the Anglican tradition.

Each session will begin with a Bible reading and introductory talk on a particular theme from Fr James, followed by a time of discussion and exploration of the issues it raises for each of us.

No question will be out of bounds and we will hopefully discover some answers from, and with, each other.

We will end each session with a period of quiet reflection to consider all we have shared.

No matter for how long or short a time you have been aware of your faith, why not take this opportunity for refreshment and enrichment in the company of fellow pilgrims on the way?


Sessions will last approx. 1.5 hours and will be held twice monthly on Wednesdays, once a month at the Swedish Centre (following on from Community Connect, at approx. 12.30pm) and the alternate week in St Paul’s Church, immediately after the midweek service (approx.10.45am).

The dates, venues and topics for each session are outlined below. [Key: SwC = Swedish Centre; StP = St Paul’s Church]

Although the sessions will be most valuable for those who are able to attend the whole course, the individual sessions will also be ‘standalone’ and it will be possible to dip in and out if you’re unable to make every one. 


Community Connect meets every month in Athens and Kifissia

Athens and Kifissia Community Connect cut their Vassilopitta

On the 2nd Wednesday of January 2019, Community Connect Athens met for the first time in 2019 to wish everyone a Happy New Year and to cut the Vassilopitta.

There were warm sausage rolls and other cakes to munch on with our coffee prior to the cutting of the Vassilopitta.  Fr James said a short prayer and blessed the cake and the children blew out the candle!

For those of you who live outside Greece, the Vassilopitta is a large cake in which the bakers have placed a “gold” coin.  When the cake is cut, whoever gets the coin in their slice of cake is purported to have Good Luck all year round!


22nd Evensong BLog

XXII (22nd) Choral Evensong

XΧΙΙ (22nd) Choral Evensong at St. Paul’s Anglican Church (Philellinon 27, 10557 Syntagma) on Sunday, January 20, 2019,  6:30-7:30 p.m.

Collegium & Cappella Sancti Pauli conducted by Iason Marmaras

Minister: The Reverend Canon Leonard Doolan

free admission, discretionary donation


The Renaissance Choral Evensong services at St Paul’s are organised by the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli, the Athens Centre for Early Music, and St Paul’s Anglican Church.

The choir Cappella Sancti Pauli, under the direction of Iason Marmaras, sing a series of Choral Evensong services that aim to revive the musical and liturgical practice at Cathedrals and Chapels during the Renaissance, but also the experience that musicians had of this music at those times, looking at the music as a functional part of the liturgy, rather than as a building-block for concerts.


More information at: