SOS Correct

The 15th Spring Organ Series Sunday 6th May 2018

Bach goes to town

The final concert of the 15th Spring Organ Series 2018 will take place on  Sunday 6th May 2018 at 2030 hrs. Presenting the Finnish organist Pauli Pietiläinen, who along with the singers Lida Dimitriadi and Hannu Niemelä will give the audience a contemporary version of appeal and faith through works that are heard for the first time in Greece.

Tickets: 12 euros
Information/ Tickets: 39 Panepistimou Avenue
Stoa Pesmatzoglou, Athens, Public stores


SOS Correct

The 15th Spring Organ Series Sunday 22 April 2018 at 20.30 hrs

The 15th Spring Organ Series of concerts continues on Sunday 22 April 2018 at 2030 hrs.  Featuring

Christina Antoniadou, organ (Greece (GR))

Nikos Spanatis, contratenor (Greece (GR))

With the collaboration of ‘Thomas Tamvakos Archive of Greek Classical Composers’

Tickets: 12 euros
Information/ Tickets: 39 Panepistimou Avenue
Stoa Pesmatzoglou, Athens, Public stores
Online purchase:
Tel.: 210 7234567
Organized by: Specs’n’Arts
Production: Arte Atene
Media sponsors: ERT, The Third Radio Programme


Edinburgh Uni

Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers

On Sunday 15th April 2018  St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens is proud to present,

The Edinburgh University Renaissance singers :

Come Woeful Orpheus

An evening of  Renaissance Choral Music from around Europe, Directed by Noel O’Regan.

Music by Byrd, Lassus, Monteverdi and Shutz.

Time: 8.30pm

Entrance Free

Retiring collection for the Church

SOS Correct

The 15th Spring Organ Series Wednesday 4th April 2018 at 20.30 hrs

The 15th Spring Organ Series of concerts continues on Wednesday 4th April 2018 at 2030 hrs.

Featuring Miranda Kalomira Georgaki – Mezzo Soprano

Dimosthenis Stavrianos – Baritone


Christina Antoniadou – Organ










Scola Cantorum 13

The 13th Renaissance Choral Evensong at St Paul’s

The 13th Choral Evensong will take place on Sunday 1st April 2018


Preces • William Byrd (1538–1623)

Respons • Thomas Tallis (c. 1505–1585)

Magnificat & Nunc dimittis • Byrd; John Merbecke (c. 1510 – c. 1585)

Psalm :: 114 • Byrd; Edward Blanks (fl. ca. 1600)

Anthem :: Christ rising again • Thomas Tomkins (1572–1656)

Sung by the Collegium & Cappella Sancti Pauli under the direction of Iason Marmaras,

leading the Worship Revd. Canon Leonard Doolan


SOS Correct

The 15th Spring Organ Series Commences Sunday 18th March 2018

The 15th Spring Organ Series will commence on Sunday 18th March 2018 at 2030 hrs at St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens.

Under the Artistic direction of Christina Antoniadou, The spring premiere concert brings works‘ premieres to Greece as well as a World Premiere, an honour for the Spring Organ Series to celebrate its 15 years.



15th Spring Organ Series Concerts

The 15th Spring Organ Series of Concerts will take place at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Athens, from Sunday 18th March 2018 until Sunday 6th May 2018.

Under the auspices of our Musical Director and Organist, MsChristina Antoniadou, BMus, MMus, LRAM (Graduate RAM & RSAMD), these series of concerts have become part of the musical life of this City. SOS is one of the longest music festivals in Athens and unique of its genre in Greece, bringing world premieres and uniting artists from many continents (Europe, Australia, South America).  The calibre and breadth of the concerts is a testament of the high regard with which Christina is held in music circles.

We hope you will make a note of the dates and come along to one, if not all, of the concerts.

For all enquiries regarding the Spring Organ Series, please contact Christina Antoniadou