DOE Blog 1100 x 600

Bishop’s Lent Appeal – Anglican Centre in Rome

February 2024


It is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as I write, and it seems an appropriate time to be

asking for your support in the Annual Lent Appeal, because the focus of our efforts this Lent

will be the Anglican Centre in Rome.

In a world that seems ever more divided and fragmented, all work for unity is precious and

valued. The unity in truth of Christ’s church is his gift, but it is a gift to be treasured and

nurtured – during the recent “Synod on Synodality” of the Roman Catholic church, the

Centre was buzzing with visitors and hosted structured conversations that could have taken

place nowhere else.

Founded in 1966, just after the second Vatican Council, it remains as a bastion of hope for

full visible unity. We now recognise each other’s baptism, our priests can preside together

when Anglicans and Roman Catholics are married, we have travelled far towards agreement

in the matters of the Eucharist and Justification by faith in Christ; and the Centre smooths

the path for discussions on the important issues ahead.

Crucially, and recently, the Centre has been a hub of activity as the Roman church has held

its recent Synod. The Roman Catholic church is looking to increase its own sense of

inclusion of all Christians in the mission of the church, and it recognises the learning that is

available from the Anglican Communion in this.


Bible Study Blog

Minutes of September Council Meeting

387th meeting of St. Paul’s Chaplaincy Council – 10th September 2023 at 12 noon

Introduction: The Minutes of two previous meetings were approved, actions taken noted and the following were pending: rota for supervision of St. Paul’s Sunday merchandising table /a TRIO (The Responsibility is Our) financial presentation / official advice on church evacuation procedure in case of a major event.

The vacancy: Paperwork had been submitted and, following advice from our Bishop, amendments were made due to the importance of St. Paul’s within the Diocese and our fruitful relationships with the Orthodox Church and other faith groups. The post would now be advertised not only on the Diocesan website but also in the Church Times.

Finances: These were slowly recovering following losses due to Covid and helped by the much-appreciated legacy of the late Sylvia Hill. Looking forward, fundraising events needed to be expanded in order to avoid the use of UK funds.

Safeguarding: Certificate-holders were reminded to note the date of expiry and apply for new ones if necessary. Any congregation member could obtain Level 1 certification, free and with an online course.

Environment: Local Environment Officer (LEO), James Papageorgiou, presented his report and it was agreed that St. Paul’s should aim to become an Eco-Church as part of the Diocesan project to become a Green Diocese.

Chaplaincy Apartment: A new washing machine and some furniture needed replacing and the floor repairing due to flood damage earlier in the year caused by a blockage within the building.

Ministry Team and Locum (visiting priest): Assistant Chaplain Deacon Chris reported that the team was working successfully to ensure continuity of services and Diocesan Office would notify us of the availability of locums. Other Chaplaincies and individuals would also be approached for support.

Pastoral Care: Father Ted Wetherall, now elderly, had been hospitalised and official services were no longer held in Tolos. Phone calls and home visits to the sick and housebound continued and any cause for concern could be referred to our Ministry team or a council member for action.

Refugee Giving: The final date for distribution of these funds was approaching and Cosmo Murray of the ‘Mazi’ Housing Agency for homeless immigrants would give a Sunday presentation on their work.

Fundraising: Community Connect Coffee mornings, quiz evenings and book sales continued, the Harvest Festival would take place on 22nd October and the upper floor of the War Museum was booked for 3rd December.

The meeting closed with prayer at 2 p.m. – next meeting Sunday, 19th November.

Jean Mertzanakis (Hon. Secretary)

Bazaar Blog

St Paul’s Annual Christmas Bazaar

St. Paul’s Anglican Church invites you to its 2023 Christmas Bazaar at the War Museum, Rizari 4 (Vasillis Sofias Avenue) Athens.

Saturday 3rd December 2023 11.00 am – 4.30pm

Come along for a fun day out and browse our lovely stalls.  Stock up on Home-made preserves, and delicious cakes.  Find a Toy or a piece of jewellery for Christmas presents and don’t forget the Crackers for the Christmas Table.  Also on sale will be nearly-new clothing, beautiful gifts and much more.  Win a prize in our exciting Christmas Raffle, then take the weight off your feet and relax in our cafeteria with a glass of wine or an Irish Coffee.

All proceeds support our church and the charitable organisations we work with here in Athens.


Please note the Church will be open between 10.00 hrs and 12.00 hrs during the week prior to the bazaar, 27th November – 2nd December,  for the collection of goods; We will not be able to accept donation on the day.




Save the Date

We have several exciting new concerts coming up at St Paul’s.  Check out our website Calendar for more details.


Friday 20th October – the Athens Singers






Friday October 27 @ 18:00 – 19:00


Monday 30th October – Church Sessions 7 by Radio Pepper 96.6FM – “Alkyone”


Harvest Blog

St Paul’s Harvest Festival – Kokotos Winery Sunday 22nd October 2023

Join us on Sunday 22nd October to celebrate the Harvest in the beautiful surroundings of the Kokotos Estate, 1 Ktima G. Kokotou, Stamata, 145 75.

Starting at 11.00 hrs with the Harvest Service, followed by Wine Tasting and a Harvest Lunch.

To book seats on the St. Paul’s coach contact Lynn Stavrou on 211 183 8414 / 6938 325 088 /   Depart St. Paul’s 10 a.m. prompt. Depart from vineyard 4.30 p.m. Please note that numbers are limited.


For event tickets and further information contact :

Lynn Stavrou (see above) OR Shirley Poulakis – 210 934 2830 /

Europe Blog (1)

Bishop of Europe’s Advent Appeal 2023

Picture 1

Diocese in Europe Logo (2)

As the Diocese in and for Europe, we are deeply aware of our international context; perhaps we’re also well-placed, then, to think internationally outside Europe itself. I’m delighted to say that we will be supporting this Advent the Anglican Communion Fund of the Archbishop of Canterbury. It exists to make small investments across the church; in the right hands, these can have great impact.

The focus of this year’s work is South Asia, with which I now myself feel a special link, after my sabbatical in that part of the world in early 2023.


Women in Pakistan regularly experience domestic violence, sexual abuse, forced marriages, kidnappings, acid attacks and more. Christian women and girls in Muslim Punjab face discrimination due to their gender, faith, and low position. They are the poorest of the poor, and often illiterate. At risk of forced conversions and false charges under blasphemy laws, they are often unable to stand up against these offences; they often don’t know their constitutional rights.

The Diocese of Sialkot, in Punjab Province, is supporting women and girls. The Bishop’s wife there is leading in teaching women about their rights and protection, for them to pass on to younger women: it is all born of the insight that God has made them wonderfully and fearfully, and it hopes to erase what is often the experienced shame of being female. Sessions on the law of Pakistan educate women about domestic violence and harassment; girls are given strength and confidence to recognise the protections they need.


Young Women in South India

The Covid pandemic took its toll on the economy and the health care industry in South India. The economy is still struggling to recover from the severe lockdown measures. The costs of essential goods has increased, and unemployment is high, with young women particularly vulnerable. At the same time, the need for nursing-at-home and health care support increased further, while the pandemic meant that skilled and educated young people migrated for work opportunities elsewhere.

The Church of South India is responding to these issues by starting a programme for young women aged 18 to 28, particularly from rural areas, to study home care nursing and health care. After completing a basic training course, some will go on to higher level training, and others will work in some of the CSI Mission hospitals. Not only will these  young women gain skills and employment, bringing benefit to themselves and their families, but the pool of nursing and health care staff will also increase.

Hpa-An Diocese, Myanmar

A rat plague hit two parishes in the Diocese of Hpa-An, Myanmar in 2022, destroying seed sown and causing a loss of the following year’s harvest. A religious minority, Christians in Myanmar are more vulnerable to poverty, and government structures cannot be relied upon to offer a safety net to struggling families. A grant from the Fund helped the Church to purchase and distribute rice – both to Christian families and to the very poor of other faiths, feeding the hungry and serving as a witness to God’s love in this area touched by conflict, natural disaster and other maladies.



To donate to the ACF Appeal please see the notes below.

Yours sincerely in Christ,


+Robert Gibraltar in Europe


How you can donate to the Bishop in Europe’s Advent Appeal 2023:
By cheque to:  Diocese in Europe (Advent Appeal 2023).

Diocese in Europe Board of Finance

14, Tufton St

London SW1P 3QZ


By bank transfer:

Account number: 40317039

Sort code: 20-06-13

IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39

Swiftbic: BUKBGB22

On the Diocese in Europe Just Giving page: Or: via your Chaplaincy Treasurer to Nick Wraight in the Diocesan Office – Please add a reference to “Advent appeal 2023” to bank transfers and Justgiving.


Bible Study Blog

Michaelmas Edition of St Paul’s Magazine

The Michaelmas Edition of the Parish Magazine is now availabe to view and download  HERE

Please note that due to difficulty in obtaining contributions for this edition the magazine will only be published quarterly in future in the hope that more people will feel inspired v to send in an article, comment or even a recipe.  Any comments should be sent to Oliver Knight or to the website.


Community Connect Coffee Morning


Time with friends Blog


St.Paul`s Anglican Church

Invites you to our Coffee morning
On Thursday October 12th
From 10:30 until 12:30pm
In St.Paul’s Church Gardens
Fillinon 27 & Amalias Ave.
On sale will be Books, Jigsaws,
Good quality second-hand clothing,
Handmade Greeting cards for all occasions,

Preserves & Mini Bingo.

Come along to meet or make new friends.


Walking Together in Faith

Diocese in Europe Logo (2)                                                                       Walking together in Faith Logo Web
1 September 2023


To chaplains, clergy, churchwardens, Readers and Readers in training

Dear colleagues in the Diocese in Europe

The Diocese in Europe’s lay learning course ‘Walking Together in Faith’ is back for a second year, starting in mid-September.

Initially launched in September 2022, the course was offered last year in an online version on Zoom. In addition, a small number of groups met in person locally and drew on the course material that has been made available. It was clear from the response during this first year that the course has both met a need in the diocese and has been well received. We will be building on our experience of last year to make it even better for this coming one!

I, myself led most of the ‘Zoom’ sessions (drawing in other colleagues and friends as appropriate). It was a stimulating experience. The group of about 25 people who joined us regularly came from different parts of our diverse and fascinating diocese. Part of the enjoyment and learning was the way that participants were able to share their different geographical and cultural insights.

There are four ‘Modules’ for the course, and each Module has five Units.

Module One: Knowing God looks at prayer, and focuses on the Lord’s Prayer, and the context in which Jesus taught it to his disciples

Module Two: Growing in Christ explores what Christians over the centuries have wanted to say about Jesus Christ and what he did.

Module Three: Building Community looks at our common life as part of the People of God, and how it is expressed, for example in our worship.

Module Four: Living beyond Ourselves asks about how our Christian faith should affect our responses to key issues of our time such as the care for creation and migration.

This year’s online version of the course will start on Tuesday 26 September, and will then happen more-or-less fortnightly over the coming year. Module One will run before

1 September 2023

Christmas, and Module Two will start as soon as possible in the New Year. The online sessions will last for 90 minutes, and they will begin at 18.30 (UK time).