(1100 x 600 px) Singalong 24

The Annual Christmas Singalong

What? Join in singing Christmas carols and songs!

When? Sunday 15th December 2024!

Where? St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Filellinon 27, Athens!

Extras? Enjoy mulled wine and panettone!

Cost: €5 entry; arrive early due to limited space. A retiring collection will be held.

We look forward to welcoming you then!

Xmas Bazaar Blog

St Paul’s Annual Christmas Bazaar

It’s nearly time for our Annual Christmas Bazaar which will be held on Sunday 1st December 2024 at the Athens War Museum,  Rizari 2 – 4,
Athens, 106 75 Greece


Come and browse our wonderful stalls full of surprises and delights and do all your Christmas Shopping in one place!  Checkout the Jewellery Stall, or maybe the beautiful Gifts.  Bag a bargain at the Bric-a-Brac and there’s always the famous Jams and Preserves stall for delicious home-made Jams, Marmalades, Chutneys and Pickles.  Don’t forget the book stall where you can find that one book. you’ve been meaning to read but never got round to purchasing.

Feeling tired after all that shopping?  Take the weight off your feet and try our delicious refreshments, both Savoury and Sweet plus a drink from our Bar Stall.  You can also buy a cake or biscuits to take home for Tea.


Europe Blog (1)

Bishop’s Advent Appeal -Ras Morbat Eye Clinic, Yemen

Ras Morbat Eye Clinic I wonder how many people you know that wear glasses or contact lenses. Perhaps, like me, you need them yourself. Eye care – from the basics of having our sight tested to increasingly complex surgeries – is something we are fortunate to be able to take for granted in Europe.

We have also been able to enjoy decades of the absence of war. My 2024 Advent Appeal is to raise funds for the Ras Morbat Eye Clinic in Yemen, a country experiencing, in the words of UNICEF, ‘one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises that is robbing children of their future’. The war in Ukraine and the escalating conflict in the Middle East dominate the news and we continue to pray for peace in both regions. Meanwhile, the crisis in Yemen is overlooked although its effects are no less pernicious on those caught up in it. While active conflict has decreased somewhat since April 2022, the situation remains fragile, with food shortages and malnutrition being significant issues.

Young boy eye test

Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the world. The public health sector is stretched beyond capacity and in most places has to focus on urgent survival needs, which means general eye care is marginalised. Yet eye care is much needed: Yemen’s harsh sunlight contributes to vision problems in children and especially older people, with the onset of glaucoma and cataract often happening at younger ages than in Europe. For many years the Ras Morbat Eye Clinic has been welcoming and offering heavily subsidised eye care to the poor, refugees, and displaced people. Because the clinic serves all, it has been a good example of compassion and care for people in need regardless of religious or tribal identities. This matters in a country where tribal identity has been a major source of conflict.

Young girl eye testThe work of the clinic is supported and enabled by our neighbour, the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, in partnership with the Ministry of Health in Aden. I recently participated in the consecration of their new bishop, +Sean Semple, and while I was there my attention was drawn to the work of the clinic. Supporting Ras Morbat not only helps many marginalised people in Yemen, it also strengthens the ties between our dioceses.

My hope and prayer is that we can raise enough money to support all the running costs of the clinic for a three month period. This requires about 15.000€.

To donate to the Advent Appeal please see the notes below.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

+Robert Gibraltar in Europe

How you can donate to the Bishop in Europe’s Advent Appeal 2024:

Via your Chaplaincy Treasurer to Nick Wraight in the Diocesan Office

By cheque:

“Advent Appeal 2024”

Diocese in Europe Board of Finance

14, Tufton St

London SW1P 3QZ

By bank transfer:

Account number: 40317039

Sort code: 20-06-13

IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39

Swift / BIC: BUKBGB2

On the Diocese in Europe Just Giving page:


Diocese in Europe Logo (1)

Fr Benjamin News

The Licensing of the new Senior Chaplain of St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens


On the Fourth Sunday of Trinity, 23rd June, 2024, Dr. Leslie Nathaniel, Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe and the East licensed Rev. Benjamin Drury as Chaplain of the Anglican Church of St. Paul’s, Athens in the Diocese of Europe. Diocesan clergy who attended were Area Dean Father Leonard Doolan and Father Bruce Bryant-Scott of St. Thomas the Apostle, Crete, joined by Licensed Reader Jackie Dallos from Lefkada and Father Bjorn of the Swedish Church accompanied by members of his congregation.

It gave us great pleasure to welcome the British Ambassador, His Excellency Matthew Lodge, Her Excellency Dr. Lindiwe Msengana-Ndlela, Ambassador of South Africa,  Major Beat Rieder of the Salvation Army and other close friends of the Chaplaincy, including Mr. Spiros Mantas, Director of Piraeus Bank and representatives of Aei Ferein and the Salvation Army Green Light Project.  Messages of support for Father Ben, with prayers and blessings, were received from our Orthodox friends who could not attend due to the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost and all looked forward to meeting with him before long.

A thoughtful and moving service included seven hymns, the final one being Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer, and Psalm 23. Father Ben was presented by Wardens Trevor Kamuzonde and Lynn Stavrou and the congregation promised to accept him, uphold him and pray for him. He then swore the Oath of Allegiance to King Charles III, his heirs and successors and the Oath of Canonical Obedience to the Lord Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe and his successors. In affirmation of his ministry, Father Ben was presented with offerings of Water for Baptism, the Oil of Healing, a Bible, the Book of Common Worship, Bread and Wine, a Hymn Book symbolising Music, a symbol of Ecumenism and one of Ministry with Young People and he then led Prayers of Intercession followed by the Liturgy of the Sacrament.

Several guests were invited to say a few personal words, including Father Ben’s mother, Linda, after which everyone gathered in the garden for refreshments. It was with great joy that we raised a glass to welcome our new Chaplain, to meet old friends and be introduced to others whose names we knew but had not had the opportunity to meet in person and for congregation members to speak with Father Ben for the first time. After an interregnum of almost one year (apparently short compared with others), during which our Council and Standing Committee were solely responsible for the church and no services were missed, thanks to Assistant Chaplain Deacon Chris, Father Bjorn and Licensed Reader Nelly, it was a joy and privilege to officially welcome Father Ben and look forward to sharing in his personal journey of faith and of service.

Jean Mertzanakis

Autumn Bazaar Blog

Autumn Bazaar

Our Autumn Bazaar will be held in the Church Garden on Saturday 28th September 2024 between 10.00 am and 4.00pm.

There will be many wonderful and various stalls, ranging from Books and Bric-a-Brac to Jams and Jewellery

and everything in between!

There will also be delicious refreshments on sale so you can relax and have a little rest before browsing the stalls once again.

Do come along and support St Paul’s in its ministry.  Bring your families and tell your friends and come and have a super day out