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Fr Malcolm on Queen’s New Year’s Honours List

We are delighted to announce that our Chaplain, the Rev. Canon Malcolm Bradshaw, has been awarded the MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List.
The citation reads as follows: ‘Rev. Canon Malcolm McNeille Bradshaw. Senior chaplain, Anglican church (Greece). For services to interfaith understanding and community charities.’
We send him our heartiest congratulations!

Refugees with rainbow

Responding to the refugee crisis in Greece

In recent weeks, Fr. Malcolm has received an increasing number of questions about the refugees arriving in Greece and the response of the Anglican Church in Athens to this ongoing humanitarian crisis. In order to inform the greatest number possible, he has summarized the Chaplaincy’s response to the refugee crisis since last September.



How do you eat an elephant

THE QUESTION is put – how do you eat an elephant. The answer is – in small pieces.

“How do you eat an elephant?” These were the opening words of the sermon given by the Rev. Canon Leonard Doolan, vicar of Cirencester, at St Paul’s Athens, on the 13th September after the reading of Matthew’s account of the Feeding of the Four Thousand with only seven loaves and a few fish (Matthew, 15:29-39).


Bishop Robert

Bishop Robert in Athens

IN MID-JANUARY 2015 Bishop Robert visited Greece as a guest of the Archbishop of Athens and also spent time with Fr Malcolm and members of the Chaplaincy. He met with representatives of Anglican congregations from Athens, Crete, Corfu, Patras and Nafplion, in order to discuss the new Constitution of the Anglican Church in Greece, and he and Fr Malcolm also visited some of the organisations we work within our outreach programme.