Fr Benjamin Blog

We welcome our new Chaplain – Fr Benjamin Drury

After a ten month vacancy and two wonderful locums, Fr. Terry Hemming and Fr. Marcus Ronchetti, we are delighted to announce the arrival in June of our permanent senior chaplain Fr. Benjamin Drury.

Father Benjamin grew up in Richmond, Yorkshire, and spent most summers in Greece in his Godparents’ village. His father was a political Geographer specialising in the Balkans and Cyprus, his mother medieval latin paleography – both at Durham University.  At Worcester College, Oxford he read Ancient and Modern History, and then an M.Phil in Byzantine Studies; focusing on Armenian History , Byzantine Art History, and a Psalter Manuscript from the 11th century. He explored his vocation initially at his College Chapel then continued exploring his vocation as Pastoral Assistant of St Michael’s and St Paul’s, Brighton. Ben was two years Pilgrimage Course Assistant at St George’s College and Cathedral, in East Jerusalem before returning to Oxford to read Theology at St Stephen’s House. His final year was on exchange at the Venerable English College in Rome. Fr Benjamin’s Curacy was in Oxford Diocese, first in Stony Stratford then in New Hinksey near the city centre. Since 2019 Ben has been Priest in Charge of St Luke’s Prittlewell and in addition this last year of St Mary’s Benfleet. He is a Priest Associate of the Holy House of Our Lady of Walsingham and a brother of the Society of the Holy Cross (SSC). He enjoys discovering new places on foot, and exploring ruins.


We look forward to giving him a warm St Paul’s Welcome when he arrives in June.

Scola Cantorum Blog

Scola Cantorum Evensong

Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli
Renaissance Vespers
Sunday, April 21 @ 6:00 pm
at the Anglican Church of Saint Paul (Fillellinon 27, Syntagma)
A Choral Evening Service according to the Anglican prayer book (Book of Common Prayer) of 1549, with music from the first centenary of the Anglican Church.
Cappella Sancti Pauli sings under the direction of Jason Marmaras. Consisting of Music from William Byrd, Thomas Tallis, Thomas Tomkins and IM.
The Renaissance Vespers have been organised since 2016 by the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli, in collaboration with the church of Saint Paul. They last about 45 minutes and they consist largely of polyphonic singing, which surrounds readings of texts by the priest and members of the congregation, as well as improvisations in the ecclesiastical organ of the church. Vespers are held entirely in English, while Greek translations of the texts are distributed.
Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli is the School of Renaissance Polyphony in Athens. Their activity consists in equal parts of courses in renaissance theory and practice (on temporary hiatus), rehearsals, Vespers in the Anglican Church, and
concerts in Greece and abroad.
Free Entry • Optional Contribution
Scola Cantorum Blog

Scola Cantorum Evensong

Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli
Renaissance Vespers
Sunday, March 31 @ 6:00 pm
at the Anglican Church of Saint Paul (Fillellinon 27, Syntagma)
A Choral Evening Service according to the Anglican prayer book (Book of Common Prayer) of 1549, with music from the first centenary of the Anglican Church.
Cappella Sancti Pauli sings under the direction of Jason Marmaras. Consisting of Music from William Byrd, Thomas Tallis, Thomas Tomkins and IM.
The Renaissance Vespers have been organised since 2016 by the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli, in collaboration with the church of Saint Paul. They last about 45 minutes and they consist largely of polyphonic singing, which surrounds readings of texts by the priest and members of the congregation, as well as improvisations in the ecclesiastical organ of the church. Vespers are held entirely in English, while Greek translations of the texts are distributed.
Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli is the School of Renaissance Polyphony in Athens. Their activity consists in equal parts of courses in renaissance theory and practice (on temporary hiatus), rehearsals, Vespers in the Anglican Church, and
concerts in Greece and abroad.
Free Entry • Optional Contribution
Easter Cross jpg

Easter Services at St Paul’s




Programme of Liturgy for Holy Week and Easter 2024



Wednesday 27th March


Holy Wednesday Liturgy 10.00 hrs
Thursday 28th March


Maundy Thursday Liturgy 19.30 hrs
Friday 29th March


Good Friday Liturgy 14.00 hrs
Saturday 30th March (remember to turn your clocks 1 hour forward before going to bed)


Easter Vigil Liturgy 20.00 hrs
Sunday 31st March (everyone welcome to Easter Breakfast after the service)

Sunday 31st March

Easter Sunday Liturgy


Choral Evensong

10.00 hrs


18.00 hrs


March. CC.png Blog

Community Connect Coffee Morning – 14th March 2024

Community Connect coffee morning this month on the14th, we will be holding it in the church gardens of St.Paul`s church, Filellion 27 and Amalias, at 10:30 am until 12 :30pm.If raining we will be inside the church.
This month we are celebrating the English Easter, on sale there will be handmade Easter cards, Easter knits, greeting cards for all occasions, good quality secondhand clothing, books and preserves.
From now until the weather changes (Autumn or winter) we will be holding the coffee mornings in the church garden.
Please note from Autumn the coffee mornings will be held in the new premises of the Swedish centre at Apollonos 6, 105 57, just off Nikis street
From the post office walk down Mitropoleos street, take your first left, then first right this is Apollonos street. It is number 6, it is on the third floor but don`t worry there is a lift.
Looking forward in seeing you all on Thursday.
Heading Blog

Report on 388th meeting of Chaplaincy Council held on Sunday 19th November in church at 12 noon

Visiting priest Father Terry Hemming had been invited to attend the meeting, which proceeded as follows:

Matters arising from the previous minutes

Following a presentation by Cosmo Murray, organiser of the Mazi hostel for homeless immigrants, Council agreed to donate the remaining 2,000 Euros of the 2023 refugee fund to pay for 3 months rent and prevent closure (the Refugee Fund is financed only by donations towards specific causes). Representatives of the organisations “Melissa” and “Creative Hands” would be invited to give a presentation in 2024. Any member of the congregation can put forward the name of an organisation that needs support and it will be considered by Council.  

Standing Committee Report on 8th October meeting

As part of our Safeguarding duty of care, members of this Committee (Assistant Chaplain, Wardens, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary) had met with the organiser of a small group currently caring for a member of the congregation. The care programme, assistance from Council members and other issues were discussed and lines of communication would be kept open, with further meetings arranged if necessary.

Financial Report

Members had received copies of the accounts and Nelly distributed “Funding our Future”, a Diocesan leaflet. St. Paul’s current income of 1,345 Euros per week did not cover costs and a further 233 per week were needed. There were 50 regular contributors and an increase to 70 would be extremely useful. Council agreed that a “Giving Day” should take place once a year, with a presentation and a sermon on “the grace of giving” (St. Paul, Corinthians 2).


DOE Blog 1100 x 600

Bishop’s Lent Appeal – Anglican Centre in Rome

February 2024


It is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as I write, and it seems an appropriate time to be

asking for your support in the Annual Lent Appeal, because the focus of our efforts this Lent

will be the Anglican Centre in Rome.

In a world that seems ever more divided and fragmented, all work for unity is precious and

valued. The unity in truth of Christ’s church is his gift, but it is a gift to be treasured and

nurtured – during the recent “Synod on Synodality” of the Roman Catholic church, the

Centre was buzzing with visitors and hosted structured conversations that could have taken

place nowhere else.

Founded in 1966, just after the second Vatican Council, it remains as a bastion of hope for

full visible unity. We now recognise each other’s baptism, our priests can preside together

when Anglicans and Roman Catholics are married, we have travelled far towards agreement

in the matters of the Eucharist and Justification by faith in Christ; and the Centre smooths

the path for discussions on the important issues ahead.

Crucially, and recently, the Centre has been a hub of activity as the Roman church has held

its recent Synod. The Roman Catholic church is looking to increase its own sense of

inclusion of all Christians in the mission of the church, and it recognises the learning that is

available from the Anglican Communion in this.


3 kings BLog

Christmas at St Paul’s Anglican Church. Athens


Filellinon 27 and Amalias

(nearest Metro Station – Syntagma)


(Tickets 5 € per adult)

17th December at 18.00 hours


24th December at 18.00 hours


25th December at 10.00 hours

And For Those Who Live In The Southern Suburbs:


Karamanlis 77 & Dafnis, 166 74 Voula

 15th December at 18.00 hours