Les Voix de Nice Blog
Les Voix de Nice

French Choir – “Les Voix de Nice”

“Les Voix de Nice” – Sunday the 28th October 2018 at 21.00

at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 27 Filellinon street, Syntagma, Athens

The 75-member choir from France will perform songs from France and Nice as well as popular and classical songs.  A concert not to be missed!

Organized by: It’s Greece Single Member P.C.


Information: Samer Boustanzi, e-mail:samer@itsgreece.gr


Mouse On Mars

“Mouse on Mars” at St Paul’s on Monday 22nd October 2018

Mouse on Mars are an electronic music duo formed in Germany in 1993, consisting of Jan St. Werner from Köln, and Andi Toma from Düsseldorf. Their music is a blend of electronic genres including but not limited to IDMdubkrautrockbreakbeat, and ambient, featuring heavy use of organic analog synth and cross-frequency modulation. Their music also features live instrumentation including stringshornsdrumsbass and guitar.

Mouse on Mars is recognised as one of Germany’s most defining and versatile electronic music projects.

On Monday the 22nd October 2018, the duo will present an audio-visual show where part of their recordings will be presented

Organized by Arte Atene and Groove Productions



XIX Choral Evensong at St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens

The 19th Choral Evensong with Scola Cantorum will take place on Sunday 28th October 2018 at 6.30pm.

Collegium & Cappella Sancti Pauli conducted by Iason Marmaras

Minister: The Reverend Canon Leonard Doolan

free admission, discretionary donation


The Renaissance Choral Evensong services at St Paul’s are organised by the Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli, the Athens Centre for Early Music, and St Paul’s Anglican Church.

The choir Cappella Sancti Pauli, under the direction of Iason Marmaras, sing a series of Choral Evensong services that aim to revive the musical and liturgical practice at Cathedrals and Chapels during the Renaissance, but also the experience that musicians had of this music at those times, looking at the music as a functional part of the liturgy, rather than as a building-block for concerts.


More information at:  schola.gr/19,     www.scholacantorum.gr

St Lamberti

Kantorei St Lamberti, Hildesheim, Germany

An ensemble from Germany with a choir of 30 persons and an orchestra of 10
One hour programme entitled “Dona Nobis Pacem” (Peace on earth)
Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Messe di Minuit, H.9
J. S. Bach, Double violin concerto, BWV 1043
W.A.Mozart, Laudate Dominum for Choir and Orchestra, K.339
Time: 19.00 hrs
Admission:  Free but donation required



Report of the Anglican Church in Athens to the Archdeaconry Synod

Our Archdeacon, Colin Williams, has asked all members of the Archdeaconry Synod, to write a report on the activities of the Chaplaincy over the past year.

Here is our report – and what a busy year it has been! We hope you enjoy reading it and that it will encourage you to come and join us for a service, or one of our bazaars or a concert.


Report from the Anglican Church in Greece


(St. Andrew’s Corfu and St. Thomas’s Crete will present their own reports as they have Synod Members)

Note:  The  legalization of the Church in Greece was completed towards the time of Synod 2017. The new procedures required of us have been put to the test with the appointment of a new Assistant Chaplain to Crete, further complicated by the fact that he is from outside the EU. The Board of the Anglican Church in Greece is due to meet later in the Autumn for its required annual meeting.

The order in which the following are placed has no bearing on their relative importance!

St. Paul’s Athens

  1. We continue to have a Sunday Liturgy at 10.15am every Sunday. As there is only one priest available, occasionally this service has to be a Liturgy of the Word, conducted either by Deacon Christine Saccali, or Reader Sherry Angelis. Our attendances at the 10.15am Liturgy are gradually increasing, which is very pleasing. The congregation is a mix of British women married to Greeks, individuals or families in Athens for short periods of work or teaching/study time, Africans (currently from South Africa, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Kenya) and their families, occasional refugees (from Iran, Syria, China, and political refugees from Turkey), some Greeks who are generally disaffected with the Greek Orthodox Church, and a constant stream of tourists, pilgrims and visitors. Apart from holiday times the congregation numbers are often in the 90’s.


Girls Choir

Partners in Praise Girls Choir

The Partners in Praise Girls Choir will be performing at St Paul’s on Monday 2 July 2018.


Performance starts at 20.00 hrs, Entrance is free.


We hope to see many of you there to support these young people.


Blog 2

The Choir of Queens’ College Cambridge University 20th July 2018

The Choir of the Chapel of Queens’ College Cambridge will be performing at St Paul’s on Friday 20th July 2018 at 20.30 hrs.  Admission free.

Queens’ College Choir

Queens’ College Choir is one of the leading mixed-voice choirs in Cambridge. While twentieth-century music forms the core of the choir’s repertoire, the choir increasingly performs Baroque and contemporary music, reflecting the specialisms of the Director of Music. The choir is regularly joined by a group of student instrumentalists, the Queens’ Chapel Players, enabling the liturgical performance of concerted music. The Choir’s CD recordings have attracted widespread critical acclaim. Their most recent disc, ‘For the Wings of a Dove: Music of Supplication and Hope’, is based on settings of the psalms and includes Mendelssohn’s famous setting of Psalm 51, ‘Hear my prayer’. In recent years the Choir has performed in Hong Kong, Switzerland, France, Germany, Southern Italy, Belgium, Hungary and the USA.



The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25th May 2018.  Please read below our Privacy Policy.


The Chaplaincy Council (CC) of St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens

  1. Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data.  Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).

  1. Who are we?

The CC ST Paul’s  is the data controller (contact details below).  This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.

  1. How do we process your personal data?

The CC of St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens, complies with its obligations under the “GDPR” by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.


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St Paul’s Spring Bazaar May 26th 2018

Our annual Spring Bazaar will be held in the grounds of St Paul’s on Saturday 26th May between 1100 -1500 hrs

Stock up on your reading books for your beach holiday, or find the dvd of the movie you keep missing.  Peruse our bric a brac stall for bargains and take a look at the beautiful jewellery on sale. Good quality nearly new clothes, Jams & preserves and British Tea and Commemorative items will be available.

when you have finished shopping, take the weight off your feet with our delicious refreshments and have a beer or a soft drink or even a glass of Sangria!

Do come along and support St Paul’s.  All proceeds go towards supporting the Chaplaincy and its outreach.

We look forward to seeing you there.