St Hugh’s School Chamber Choir
On Wednesday 3rd April, the Anglican Church in Athens, St Paul’s is proud to present
The St Hugh’s School Chamber Choir
St Hugh’s is a Prep School near Oxford, England. The Chamber Choir is made up of enthusiastic
young singers aged 10-13 and each member won a coveted place through audition. Competition
is fierce and everyone has a real commitment to being part of this special group. They also sing in
a bigger school choir as well, which enables a wide range of repertoire to be covered. Throughout
the year the Chamber Choir sings at school concerts, events and services and regularly wins
local and national competitions. The children love going on tour and have given concerts in
Budapest, Venice and Lisbon. They are thrilled to be singing in Athens this week.
St Lawrence College – Tuesday 2nd April 11.30am
St Paul’s Anglican Church, 27 Filellion Street – Wednesday 3rd April 7pm
St Catherine’s School – Thursday 3rd April 11.40am
Laudamus te (Vivaldi) – Panis Angelicus (Franck) – Where the Bee Sucks (Shakespeare/trad) –
Flower Duet (Delibes) – Weeping (Heymann)
From A Distance (Gold) – As Long as I have Music (Besig) – Rhythm of Life (Coleman) – You Raise Me
Up (Lovland) – Don’t Stop Me Now (Queen) – Sister Act (Shaiman) – An Irish Blessing (trad)