Evensong 1

35th Choral Evensong at St Paul’s

We are delighted to announce the return of the Choral Evensong to St Paul’s on this coming Easter Sunday at 8.00pm. For those who have yet to experience this service it is definitely not to be missed with beautiful traditional choral music and prayers.


35th Renaissance Vespers St. Pauls Anglican Church (Filellinon 27, Athens) Sunday, April 9, at 8:30 pm After a long silence, and with even greater joy, Schola Cantorum Sancti Pauli returns with the Resurrection 35th Renaissance Vespers at St. Paul‘s Anglican Church, on Palm Sunday 9 April 2023 (Resurrection Sunday in the Anglican calendar).
Cantores Sancti Pauli under the baton of Jason Marmaras will sing organ accompaniment Thomas Tomkins5th “Strophic” Evening Service, as well as William Byrds ResurrectionStrophic Anthemios Christ Rising Again. Works by Th. Tallis, O. Lassus, and I.M., and a Gregorian member will also be heard.
The tradition of Verse Anthems flourished in 17thcentury England. The adjectivestrophic refers to the alternation (not necessarily per stanza of the poetic text) between a singer (or small part of the choir) with the full ensemble. Where the full vocal ensemble does not sing, there will be instrumental accompaniment, usually by the organ.
Cantores Sancti Pauli Aliki Siousti, Zoe Dimopoulou, Ilia Stampoli, Angeliki Argiri Zannis Kanterakis, Konstantinos Karageorgiou Elias Vlastos (adiutor directoris musices)  Iason Marmaras (director musices)


gallery far left

A Tale of Two Cities – A Blog by Bishop Philip of Truro

The two cities we normally associate with that phrase are, of course, London and Paris. Both are cities in which I have been privileged to minister, and which I hold in great affection. But I want to write about my recent trip to two quite different cities – to Hull and Athens.

I grant you that, unlike London and Paris, Hull and Athens aren’t normally paired in people’s minds. But they might have more in common than you might think (and not just because I recently visited them). But first, let me explain I was doing in them both.

In both, I was responding to long-delayed invitations to speak on the subject of Freedom of Religion or Belief, following the work I did a few years ago for the Foreign Office on the persecution of Christians. That work both led (to my great surprise) to a change in government policy, and has become an enduring passion of mine – a cause which I believe God has laid on my heart to continue to champion.

In Hull, I was invited to deliver the William Wilberforce Lecture, in honour of Hull’s greatest son: the great champion of the cause of the abolition of slavery. It was good to be back in the city not only where Wilberforce was born, and which he represented in Parliament, but in which I myself used to live. Indeed I worked out that the last time I had been in the room in the Guildhall where I spoke was in the early 70s for a children’s fancy dress party!

And it was, I felt, a very fitting subject to speak on there. Today, many, many people the world over are having their rights compromised, and their livelihoods – and their very lives – threatened, simply because they belong to religious minorities. Their lives and livelihoods are threatened through oppressive governments which combine, to varying degrees, a toxic mix of authoritarianism, nationalism and fundamentalism. Look at the fate of the Rohingya in Myanmar, the Uighurs in China, and Christians in the Middle Belt of Nigeria – to cite just three examples. The fate of religious minorities in the world’s two most populous countries, in India and China, is much more precarious than it was a decade ago.


Easter Tree Blog



As we follow in the footsteps of Our Saviour Jesus Christ on his journey to the Cross, unlike those who did so more than two thousand years ago we do so knowing of His Glorious Resurrection. Throughout the year we remember our brothers and sisters of every nation who also suffer hardship and loss at the hands of others. Help us to support them by donating an egg – symbol of birth, life and hope – to our Easter tree.

You can speak to our Treasurer, Nelly, in church or donate on our website – www.anglicanchurchathens.gr – via e-banking or Paypal. Make sure to include your name, email address and the description “TREE”. If you wish to remain anonymous, your name and “TREE ANON”.

Join us in love and thanksgiving as we prepare to welcome the resurrected Lord into our lives.

Lilies Blog

Easter Lilies – In Memorium


In Memoriam


Once again we can remember our loved ones at this special time of year by donating beautiful lilies to be placed in church and having their names recorded in our Book of Remembrance. You can do this personally, in church, by speaking to Noelle Barkshire.  You can  do so via e-banking or Paypal on our website: www.anglicanchurchathens.gr – just click on Support St. Paul’s – Donations – for details and give your name and “Lilies”. Then email our Treasurer Nelly at nelly.parask@gmail.com with names for our Book.

Easter blessings to everyone and thank you for your support.


March Events at St Paul’s



Saturday 11th March 2023, 21:30

at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 27 Filellinon street, Syntagma, Athens

Two musical ensembles from two different aesthetic worlds, will compose a contradictory but at the same time harmonious evening concert where the female voices will play a dominant role.

Information and booking: viva.gr


Organized by: George Georgakopoulos

Stringless Blog



Saturday 18th March 2023, 21:30

at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 27 Filellinon street, Syntagma, Athens

The two Athenian ensembles collaborate and compose an immersive, atmospheric evening at St Paul’s Anglican Church. Emotionally charged vocals, ambient and dreamy soundscapes, electronic sounds will accompany the presentation of Emi Path’s new album entitled VOID together with Marva con Theo’s Atmospheres project.

Information and booking: viva.gr

Organized by: George Georgakopoulos

Emi Blog



Martha Von Theo Live at St Paul’s

Marva Von Theo

Come join us for an immersive, atmospheric, almost ritualistic evening.
On Sat 18 March, we will make a one-off performance of our project “Atmospheres” along with Emi Path’s new album presentation. We will perform selected songs from our discography, as well as new, unreleased songs, orchestrated exclusively for Anglican Church Athens Greece
Ethereal synths, dreamy, cinematic soundscapes will flow reverently throughout the space of the church and will be contrasted with our eerily dark electronic sounds, in a poetic confrontation between light and darkness, love and death.💀🖤
🎫 Tickets are available on viva[.]gr. Limited seats.
Dicoese in. Europe

Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2023

Dicoese in. Europe

16 February 2023

To the Clergy and People of the Diocese in Europe

Very soon we will embark on our Lenten journey once again. These are extraordinary times, with war continuing in Ukraine (the focus of our 2022 Appeal), and with unprecedented suffering in South East Türkiye and North West Syria as a result of recent earthquakes. The people of our diocese have been generous in responding to these huge needs, and certainly the people of Ukraine and Türkiye/Syria are very much in our prayers.

It has been the tradition for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal to focus on a particular need within our diocesan family. We have pockets within the diocese where the reality is much more like the developing world than what is experienced in the comparatively rich north. One such area of the diocese is Morocco.

Many have now settled in the region of the capital, Rabat, where we have not had a permanent Church presence. Thanks to the vision of past chaplains in Casablanca and the dedication of a core of supporters in Rabat, a new congregation is being built up. This year’s Bishop’s Lent Appeal is to support this congregation in the next crucial phase of its development.

Archdeacon David Waller outlines below more details of this project:

Read the full context of the Bishop’s Appeal here

How you can donate to the Bishop in Europe’s Lent Appeal 2023 :

 By cheque:

 “Advent Appeal 2022”.

 Diocese in Europe Board of Finance

1 4, Tufton St

 London SW1P 3QZ

 By bank transfer:

 Account number: 40317039

 Sort code: 20-06-13

 IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39

 Swiftbic: BUKBGB22

On the Diocese in Europe Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/diocese-ineurope

Or: via your Chaplaincy Treasurer to Nick Wraight in the Diocesan Office

Theodore Blog

What’s on – Concerts at St Paul’s

CHURCH SESSIONS Season 6 by Radio PEPPER 96,6 FM


Monday 20TH February 2023, 20:30

at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 27 Filellinon street, Syntagma, Athens

Radio Pepper 96.6 launches the New Year at St Paul’s Anglican Church with a pop and alternative concert given by Theodore and his band, as part of the “Church Sessions 6”.  Theodore’s atmospheric sound is a mix of classic, piano driven compositions, with electronic ranging from ambient to minimal, to gritty 80s synth wave.


Information and invitation: Radio Pepper 96.6 FM


Tel. 213 0189000



Tuesday 21st February 2023, 19:30

The choir is on tour to Greece and will present a programme of classical music.


Information and reservations: Hellas Vacances, tel. 210 9235638

Organised by: Hellas Vacances

Grossmont Blolg



Saturday 25TH February 2023, 20:30

A vocal “a cappella” concert of traditional songs from different parts of the world and Greek traditional songs rewritten for vocal ensemble


Ticket Prices:

20€, 15€ from viva.gr

Information: 6978550086

Organised by: Creative Music Island AMKE

Giannatou Blog

Christmas Bazaar 2022 A6

The famous St Paul’s Christmas Bazaar

The Anglican Church Christmas Bazaar dates from 1953 and is the oldest of its kind in Greece. This year, once again, it will be held in the foyer of the War Museum on Vassilis Sofias Avenue, opposite Evangelismos Hospital, on Sunday, 4th December from 11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.


So why not come along, meet friends old and new, enjoy a taste of all things British and browse the many stalls that include gifts, jewellery, jams & chutneys, Christmas decorations, calendars and tea-towels, cakes and Christmas puddings, Christmas cards, quality used clothing and our ever-popular book stall. Something for everyone and for every pocket! Grand Raffle with lovely prizes! Delicious snacks, Bar and our famous Irish Coffee! We look forward to welcoming you, your families and friends as we begin our Christmas celebrations by having fun whilst caring for those in need!

All proceeds support the Anglican Church in Greece and its nominated charities. St. Paul’s will be open to receive donations from Tuesday November 29th to Saturday December 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For further information will soon be available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AnglicanAthens and at www. Anglicanchurchathens.gr