Dicoese in. Europe

Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2023

Dicoese in. Europe

16 February 2023

To the Clergy and People of the Diocese in Europe

Very soon we will embark on our Lenten journey once again. These are extraordinary times, with war continuing in Ukraine (the focus of our 2022 Appeal), and with unprecedented suffering in South East Türkiye and North West Syria as a result of recent earthquakes. The people of our diocese have been generous in responding to these huge needs, and certainly the people of Ukraine and Türkiye/Syria are very much in our prayers.

It has been the tradition for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal to focus on a particular need within our diocesan family. We have pockets within the diocese where the reality is much more like the developing world than what is experienced in the comparatively rich north. One such area of the diocese is Morocco.

Many have now settled in the region of the capital, Rabat, where we have not had a permanent Church presence. Thanks to the vision of past chaplains in Casablanca and the dedication of a core of supporters in Rabat, a new congregation is being built up. This year’s Bishop’s Lent Appeal is to support this congregation in the next crucial phase of its development.

Archdeacon David Waller outlines below more details of this project:

Read the full context of the Bishop’s Appeal here

How you can donate to the Bishop in Europe’s Lent Appeal 2023 :

 By cheque:

 “Advent Appeal 2022”.

 Diocese in Europe Board of Finance

1 4, Tufton St

 London SW1P 3QZ

 By bank transfer:

 Account number: 40317039

 Sort code: 20-06-13

 IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39

 Swiftbic: BUKBGB22

On the Diocese in Europe Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/diocese-ineurope

Or: via your Chaplaincy Treasurer to Nick Wraight in the Diocesan Office

Theodore Blog

What’s on – Concerts at St Paul’s

CHURCH SESSIONS Season 6 by Radio PEPPER 96,6 FM


Monday 20TH February 2023, 20:30

at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 27 Filellinon street, Syntagma, Athens

Radio Pepper 96.6 launches the New Year at St Paul’s Anglican Church with a pop and alternative concert given by Theodore and his band, as part of the “Church Sessions 6”.  Theodore’s atmospheric sound is a mix of classic, piano driven compositions, with electronic ranging from ambient to minimal, to gritty 80s synth wave.


Information and invitation: Radio Pepper 96.6 FM


Tel. 213 0189000



Tuesday 21st February 2023, 19:30

The choir is on tour to Greece and will present a programme of classical music.


Information and reservations: Hellas Vacances, tel. 210 9235638

Organised by: Hellas Vacances

Grossmont Blolg



Saturday 25TH February 2023, 20:30

A vocal “a cappella” concert of traditional songs from different parts of the world and Greek traditional songs rewritten for vocal ensemble


Ticket Prices:

20€, 15€ from viva.gr

Information: 6978550086

Organised by: Creative Music Island AMKE

Giannatou Blog

Christmas Bazaar 2022 A6

The famous St Paul’s Christmas Bazaar

The Anglican Church Christmas Bazaar dates from 1953 and is the oldest of its kind in Greece. This year, once again, it will be held in the foyer of the War Museum on Vassilis Sofias Avenue, opposite Evangelismos Hospital, on Sunday, 4th December from 11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.


So why not come along, meet friends old and new, enjoy a taste of all things British and browse the many stalls that include gifts, jewellery, jams & chutneys, Christmas decorations, calendars and tea-towels, cakes and Christmas puddings, Christmas cards, quality used clothing and our ever-popular book stall. Something for everyone and for every pocket! Grand Raffle with lovely prizes! Delicious snacks, Bar and our famous Irish Coffee! We look forward to welcoming you, your families and friends as we begin our Christmas celebrations by having fun whilst caring for those in need!

All proceeds support the Anglican Church in Greece and its nominated charities. St. Paul’s will be open to receive donations from Tuesday November 29th to Saturday December 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For further information will soon be available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AnglicanAthens and at www. Anglicanchurchathens.gr



New Season’s Concerts at St Paul’s

CHURCH SESSIONS Season 6 by Radio PEPPER 96,6 FM


Saturday 07TH November 2022, 20:30

at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 27 Filellinon street, Syntagma, Athens

Radio Pepper 96.6 launches the new season at St Paul’s Anglican Church with the pop singer Good Job Nicky, as part of the “Church Sessions 6”.  The Greek singer and English-singing pop star, made his debut in 2020. He writes his own music and makes visual art, that captures the youth culture and dynamic. He has already won the public’s interest and admiration.


Information and invitation: Radio Pepper 96.6 FM


Tel. 213 0189000

Organized by: Radio Pepper 96.6 FM

Good Job Nikky blog


Easter Season at St Paul’s


After no services for two years it was a joy to be able to hold our Easter Services again this Easter, albeit with limited numbers inside.  However we were once again able to make full use of our outside speakers to relay the services to those gathered outside.

Holy Week started with Palm Sunday and the procession outside around the Church, it continued with the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday until the joyous service on Easter Sunday itself when we celebrated Christ’s resurrection.   The church was adorned with beautiful vases of Lilies and a book of remembrance was made and presented to the Church for all to see.  After the service on Easter Sunday an Easter Breakfast was held with delicious food donated by the Congregation making a welcome return to celebrate with one another.

Our thanks go to Fr Leonard and all the team who worked so hard to make our Easter so wonderful.





two icons for Ministerial team

Living in Love & Faith

The Anglican Church in Greece

Holy Trinity Corfu

St Paul’s Athens

& St Thomas’ Crete

All around us we see changing understandings of human identity, changing patterns in relationships and families, changing sexual attitudes and activity. What does it mean for us as followers of Jesus to walk in love, faith and holiness today?

Living in Love and Faith (“LLF”) is a five-session course which provides a structured and accessible way for local groups to learn about and reflect on these questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. Through the use of videos and the study of scripture it enables Christians (especially Anglicans) to discuss the diversity of opinion on these matters. LLF was commissioned and commended for study by the House of Bishops of the Church of England. Bishop Robert Innes and Bishop David Hamid in the Diocese in Europe have asked every chaplaincy to provide opportunities for our members to participate in LLF. To that end the congregations in the Anglican Church in Greece are working together to do this online via Zoom. People outside of Greece are also welcome to participate.

Bruce Bryant-Scott, the priest in Crete, has agreed to facilitate the five sessions. We will meet Wednesdays at 7:30 – 9:00 PM EET (6:30 -8:00 PM CET).

The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86791205487

The meeting ID is 867 9120 5487.

The dates will be:

Wednesday, January 12
Wednesday January 19
Wednesday January 26

Wednesday February 2
Wednesday, February 9

Advent Candle 1

Service for the 4th Sunday of Advent – 19th December 2021

St Paul’s Athens


Welcome to St. Paul’s Athens. Please join us after the Liturgy for refreshments in the garden. The notices are at the end. The presiding priest and preacher is Fr. Leonard. The deacon is The Revd. Deacon Christine Saccali. Please observe the Covid restrictions.


Entrance  (all are invited to stand)


Minister: Lift up your heads, O gates: be lifted up you everlasting doors; and the King of

                  glory shall come in.

All:            Who is the King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord who is mighty

                  in battle.

Minister: Lift up your heads, O gates: be lifted up you everlasting doors; and the King of

                  glory shall come in.

All:            Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.


Entrance Hymn  185 Sing we of the Blessed Mother


Priest:  Blessed be the kingdom of God

All:       Now and for ever.

Priest: The Lord be with you.

 All:      and also with you


Lighting of the Advent Candle

Priest: People of God, awake! The day is coming soon when you shall see God face to face. Remember the ways and works of God. God calls you out of darkness to walk in the light of his coming. You are God’s children.

All:      Lord Jesus, light of the world, blessed is Gabriel, who brought good news; blessed is Mary, your mother and ours. Bless your Church preparing for Christmas; and bless your children, who long for your coming. Amen


Harvest Blog

St Paul’s Harvest Festival Celebration – Sunday 24th October 2021






Harvest Eucharist

Wine Tasting

Harvest Lunch

          11 a.m.

          12.30 p.m.

          1.30 p.m


Tickets: Adults €15 / Children 3-10 €7

A coach will depart from the Church at 10 a.m.

For bookings please contact:

Lynn Stavrou – 211 1838 414 / 6938 325 088 lynnstav@gmail.com

For information on how to get there:

6946 504 839 / info@ktimakokotou.gr


Gifts of dried or tinned goods for the needy are most welcome



All attendees MUST bring proof of Vaccination, either on your mobile or certificate.

Thank you.


Click here for the Service Sheet in our “Blog News”


Bible STudies

St Paul’s Christmas Bazaar 2021 – a letter from Fr Leonard

Dear Friends

A date has been fixed for a Christmas Bazaar – Sunday 5th December 2021. Please fix that date in your diaries and planners now.

If you have been in Zappeion recently you will see that Aegli Restaurant is in a very sorry state – closed down and stripped of all fittings. There is no way that the Bazaar can take place as it has for several years now at Aigli. Anyway, to rent that basement space for one day cost €4,000, which is a huge bite into any money that is raised on the day.

Lynn Stavrou has booked the spacious entrance lobby outside the lecture theatre at the War Museum in central Athens. The cost for the day is €600.

Although the area at the war Museum is large, clearly we will not have as many square metres as in previous years, so we will all have to think differently for the Bazaar from now on. Not all the usual stalls will be possible, and not as much space can be given to all the stalls. Flexibility will be the order of the day, but the most exciting thing is that we are planning a Bazaar this year. You will recall that COVID restrictions in 2020 prevented us from having any fund-raising events.

Lynn Stavrou will co-ordinate the stall holders this year.

We are now inviting you to consider if you would be willing to organize your stall again – or offer to help support stall holders in some way. We also need manual help in setting up and clearing away tables, and help with transporting some items from Karneadou 6 to the Museum, and back again at the end of the day.

PLEASE contact Lynn Stavrou about your stall, or Trevor Kamuzonde if you can offer help with furniture moving on the day. Act now at this early stage by indicating that you would like to run a stall, and experience will inform you that it is time to start collecting and preparing for your stall.

COVID restrictions: we will of course be subject to any restrictions that apply to the Museum, and it will be the Museum authorities that decide if the Bazaar proceeds or is cancelled. This will not be a decision made by the Wardens or Fr. Leonard.


Lynn Stavrou

Trevor Kamuzonde

Leonard Doolan                         September 2021

Summer Raffle

The Great St Paul’s Summer Raffle is here!




  • Get your tickets online by sending an email to lynnstav@gmail.com – tickets cost €2 each or you can purchase 6 tickets for €10. You can pay either via  e-banking:
  • BANK: Bank of Piraeus
  • IBAN: GR82 0172 0500 0050 5008 6327 479
  • or by using  PAYPALwww.paypal.me/StPaulsathens


  • Payments should include your name, the description “Summer Raffle” and your email address, so that we know who is sending, for what purpose and to let you know if you win a prize! We’ll then email you with your ticket numbers. The draw will be done in the Church garden after the service on the first Sunday following the close of the Raffle (date to be announced). Ticket holders are invited to come along and maybe collect a prize.  If you are a winner but can’t be there, or if we are obliged to do the draw via Zoom, winners will be notified by email.
  • Prizes can be collected during daily opening hours (10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday) or during coffee time after the 10 a.m. Sunday liturgy, on presentation of the email you received giving your ticket numbers. The winner will then sign to confirm receipt of the prize.  Please note: prizes will be kept for a fortnight (2 Sundays). If not collected during that period, they will be entered into a forthcoming raffle. In the event of a lockdown, the fortnight counts from the date the church reopens.