Programme of Liturgy for Holy Week and Easter 2024
Wednesday 27th March
Holy Wednesday Liturgy | 10.00 hrs |
Thursday 28th March
Maundy Thursday Liturgy | 19.30 hrs |
Friday 29th March
Good Friday Liturgy | 14.00 hrs |
Saturday 30th March (remember to turn your clocks 1 hour forward before going to bed)
Easter Vigil Liturgy | 20.00 hrs |
Sunday 31st March (everyone welcome to Easter Breakfast after the service)
Sunday 31st March |
Easter Sunday Liturgy
Choral Evensong |
10.00 hrs
18.00 hrs |
Visiting priest Father Terry Hemming had been invited to attend the meeting, which proceeded as follows:
Matters arising from the previous minutes
Following a presentation by Cosmo Murray, organiser of the Mazi hostel for homeless immigrants, Council agreed to donate the remaining 2,000 Euros of the 2023 refugee fund to pay for 3 months rent and prevent closure (the Refugee Fund is financed only by donations towards specific causes). Representatives of the organisations “Melissa” and “Creative Hands” would be invited to give a presentation in 2024. Any member of the congregation can put forward the name of an organisation that needs support and it will be considered by Council.
Standing Committee Report on 8th October meeting
As part of our Safeguarding duty of care, members of this Committee (Assistant Chaplain, Wardens, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary) had met with the organiser of a small group currently caring for a member of the congregation. The care programme, assistance from Council members and other issues were discussed and lines of communication would be kept open, with further meetings arranged if necessary.
Financial Report
Members had received copies of the accounts and Nelly distributed “Funding our Future”, a Diocesan leaflet. St. Paul’s current income of 1,345 Euros per week did not cover costs and a further 233 per week were needed. There were 50 regular contributors and an increase to 70 would be extremely useful. Council agreed that a “Giving Day” should take place once a year, with a presentation and a sermon on “the grace of giving” (St. Paul, Corinthians 2).
February 2024
It is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as I write, and it seems an appropriate time to be
asking for your support in the Annual Lent Appeal, because the focus of our efforts this Lent
will be the Anglican Centre in Rome.
In a world that seems ever more divided and fragmented, all work for unity is precious and
valued. The unity in truth of Christ’s church is his gift, but it is a gift to be treasured and
nurtured – during the recent “Synod on Synodality” of the Roman Catholic church, the
Centre was buzzing with visitors and hosted structured conversations that could have taken
place nowhere else.
Founded in 1966, just after the second Vatican Council, it remains as a bastion of hope for
full visible unity. We now recognise each other’s baptism, our priests can preside together
when Anglicans and Roman Catholics are married, we have travelled far towards agreement
in the matters of the Eucharist and Justification by faith in Christ; and the Centre smooths
the path for discussions on the important issues ahead.
Crucially, and recently, the Centre has been a hub of activity as the Roman church has held
its recent Synod. The Roman Catholic church is looking to increase its own sense of
inclusion of all Christians in the mission of the church, and it recognises the learning that is
available from the Anglican Communion in this.
Filellinon 27 and Amalias
(nearest Metro Station – Syntagma)
(Tickets 5 € per adult)
17th December at 18.00 hours
24th December at 18.00 hours
25th December at 10.00 hours
And For Those Who Live In The Southern Suburbs:
Karamanlis 77 & Dafnis, 166 74 Voula
15th December at 18.00 hours
St. Paul’s Anglican Church invites you to its 2023 Christmas Bazaar at the War Museum, Rizari 4 (Vasillis Sofias Avenue) Athens.
Saturday 3rd December 2023 11.00 am – 4.30pm
Come along for a fun day out and browse our lovely stalls. Stock up on Home-made preserves, and delicious cakes. Find a Toy or a piece of jewellery for Christmas presents and don’t forget the Crackers for the Christmas Table. Also on sale will be nearly-new clothing, beautiful gifts and much more. Win a prize in our exciting Christmas Raffle, then take the weight off your feet and relax in our cafeteria with a glass of wine or an Irish Coffee.
All proceeds support our church and the charitable organisations we work with here in Athens.
Please note the Church will be open between 10.00 hrs and 12.00 hrs during the week prior to the bazaar, 27th November – 2nd December, for the collection of goods; We will not be able to accept donation on the day.
We have several exciting new concerts coming up at St Paul’s. Check out our website Calendar for more details.
Friday 20th October – the Athens Singers
Monday 30th October – Church Sessions 7 by Radio Pepper 96.6FM – “Alkyone”
As the Diocese in and for Europe, we are deeply aware of our international context; perhaps we’re also well-placed, then, to think internationally outside Europe itself. I’m delighted to say that we will be supporting this Advent the Anglican Communion Fund of the Archbishop of Canterbury. It exists to make small investments across the church; in the right hands, these can have great impact.
The focus of this year’s work is South Asia, with which I now myself feel a special link, after my sabbatical in that part of the world in early 2023.
Women in Pakistan regularly experience domestic violence, sexual abuse, forced marriages, kidnappings, acid attacks and more. Christian women and girls in Muslim Punjab face discrimination due to their gender, faith, and low position. They are the poorest of the poor, and often illiterate. At risk of forced conversions and false charges under blasphemy laws, they are often unable to stand up against these offences; they often don’t know their constitutional rights.
The Diocese of Sialkot, in Punjab Province, is supporting women and girls. The Bishop’s wife there is leading in teaching women about their rights and protection, for them to pass on to younger women: it is all born of the insight that God has made them wonderfully and fearfully, and it hopes to erase what is often the experienced shame of being female. Sessions on the law of Pakistan educate women about domestic violence and harassment; girls are given strength and confidence to recognise the protections they need.
Young Women in South India
The Covid pandemic took its toll on the economy and the health care industry in South India. The economy is still struggling to recover from the severe lockdown measures. The costs of essential goods has increased, and unemployment is high, with young women particularly vulnerable. At the same time, the need for nursing-at-home and health care support increased further, while the pandemic meant that skilled and educated young people migrated for work opportunities elsewhere.
The Church of South India is responding to these issues by starting a programme for young women aged 18 to 28, particularly from rural areas, to study home care nursing and health care. After completing a basic training course, some will go on to higher level training, and others will work in some of the CSI Mission hospitals. Not only will these young women gain skills and employment, bringing benefit to themselves and their families, but the pool of nursing and health care staff will also increase.
Hpa-An Diocese, Myanmar
A rat plague hit two parishes in the Diocese of Hpa-An, Myanmar in 2022, destroying seed sown and causing a loss of the following year’s harvest. A religious minority, Christians in Myanmar are more vulnerable to poverty, and government structures cannot be relied upon to offer a safety net to struggling families. A grant from the Fund helped the Church to purchase and distribute rice – both to Christian families and to the very poor of other faiths, feeding the hungry and serving as a witness to God’s love in this area touched by conflict, natural disaster and other maladies.
To donate to the ACF Appeal please see the notes below.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
+Robert Gibraltar in Europe
How you can donate to the Bishop in Europe’s Advent Appeal 2023:
By cheque to: Diocese in Europe (Advent Appeal 2023).
Diocese in Europe Board of Finance
14, Tufton St
London SW1P 3QZ
By bank transfer:
Account number: 40317039
Sort code: 20-06-13
IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39
Swiftbic: BUKBGB22
On the Diocese in Europe Just Giving page: Or: via your Chaplaincy Treasurer to Nick Wraight in the Diocesan Office – Please add a reference to “Advent appeal 2023” to bank transfers and Justgiving.