Deacon Christine Saccali
Christ is risen he is risen indeed. Christos Anesti, Alithos o kirios.
May God be on my lips and in all our hearts.
Isn’t it great that that resounding Easter cry is still ringing out and we hear it for the next 5 weeks until after Ascension as we reach Pentecost! This Eastertide has been a rather special time for our family with the safe birth of our first grandchild Elizabeth.
My son’s partner, Irini whose name means peace, said something wonderful and prophetic in the week before the scheduled caesarean surgery, what she said was “the date is all set and then we will meet her.” And boy (well, girl in this case) have we done so and we will begin to get to know her and she us. New birth and at an appropriate time of the year with life springing up everywhere this season.