Megan Maciver, St Paul’s Athens
In the name of our loving, liberating, and life-giving God.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
In today’s gospel, Jesus, the Prince of Peace, speaks of terrifying times. He tells us about world wars, famines, plagues and – maybe worst of all – being betrayed, and handed over to persecution and death, by those closest to you, by those you love.
When we meet Jesus today, Jesus is in Jerusalem and the Passover is near. Every day he is teaching at the temple. Just a few verses before this, he told us a story about the landowner who sent his beloved son to collect the fruit of the vineyard, only to be murdered by the wicked tenants. There are several recent mentions of all “stones being thrown down.” Tones of
destruction and betrayal; now, there are no more stories of wedding feasts or walking on water. And we know that these stories are some of the last he tells his disciples on earth. And to me, the stakes of these parables seem higher.
When I read today’s gospel, at first I kept struggling with how our Prince of Peace could allow these terrible things, these famines and pestilences, and terrors, to happen… Especially to his followers. Indeed many of Jesus’ disciples died horrible deaths: they were crucified, stabbed, and burnt to death; many of them preaching the good news until their last breath. Why, we ask God, do you allow this terrible suffering, especially for those who love you; who you love? Why these times of terror and pain?