Sermon for Sunday 14th March 2021- Mothering Sunday: Exodus 2, 1-10; John 19, 25-27)
Fr Leonard Doolan – St Paul’s Athens
There are so many different strands or themes to this Sunday. In the churches of the United Kingdom it is Mothering Sunday – an example of a social custom that was ‘Christianized’ to great effect, and under normal circumstances this is a Sunday that lends itself to very good evangelization, especially among young families. As well as being a special opportunity to give thanks for our mothers, and maybe spoil them a bit, it also lends itself to the memory of mothers now departed, mothers estranged, mothers never known, mothers who did not live up to expectations. This Mothering Sunday is a flexible day in terms of its function. It can be, as Shakespeare hinted, a ‘bitter sweet’ day.
The church can also link the nation’s focus on mothers with the image of the motherhood of the church – nurturing, guiding, comforting, supporting, encouraging the household of faith, just as a good mother would her children.
So too can we reflect on Mary, the Mother of Christ, Theotokos, as she is known in the Orthodox Church.