Sermon for Easter Sunday 2nd May 2021: Mark 16, 1-8.
Fr Leonard Doolan – St Paul’s Athens and Zoom
It has been an extraordinary year since Easter 2020. The pandemic is still with us. In some parts of the world it is still out of control – India and Brazil especially are being humbled before this virus as social structures and familiar patterns of life are brought to an abrupt close. The word devastating would be an understatement.
All countries have been ravished by this virus, and where there are signs of recovery we are still cautious, because nothing is certain, nothing is predictable.
In those countries where there are some signs of emergence, it is easy to think of the language of new life, of renewal. A little more family life is possible – hugging a grand-child or an ailing parent in a nursing home for the first time in a year. Shops begin to trade again albeit perhaps in some restricted ways. The language of the pandemic has brought a new globally recognized vocabulary all of its own, such as ‘click and collect’.
In our usual human haste plans are being made for summer holidays again. Greece is particularly keen to re-invigorate its tourism as so much depends on it – so many people’s livelihoods linked to seasonal work. Governments have to balance public health with the economy.