Sermon for the 3rd Sunday of Lent – 20th March 2022: Isiah 55,, 1-9; Luke 13, 1-9; Corinthian 10, 1-13
Deacon Christine Saccali – St Paul’s Athens
May I speak in the name of the Living Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit AMEN
To quote Mark Twain ‘Some people are troubled by the things in the bible they can’t understand. The things that trouble me are the things I can understand.’ I know what he means. It is when we think we have grasped the meaning of scripture and life but do not swerve from that interpretation that we are in trouble. The difficulties we face on a global, European and personal level are unprecedented in most of our lives and bring to mind other troubling times. Our cry is where is God in the midst of suffering?
The passages that are set for today’s lectionary readings on this the third Sunday of Lent are encountered once every three years. It would be easy to pass up on the gospel passage and wring one’s hands of it as many commentaries and books I own do and concentrate only on Isaiah but we will endeavour to look at all the readings and see how they interconnect, why they were set for today and what they may mean for us then and now.