Sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter – 1May 2022: Acts 9, 1-6; Rev 5, 11-14; John 21, 1-19.
Revd. Canon Leonard Doolan – St Paul’s Athens
[The next circulated sermon from me will be for Sunday 22nd May]
Today is May 1st – Χρονιά Πολλά και Καλή Προτομαγιά – many years and happy 1st May. Traditionally of course May Day is the day when we welcome the Spring; in the Orthodox calendar it is the Feast of St. Thomas, and icons show Our Lord displaying to Thomas the wounds on his hands and side; in the Catholic Church since 1955 the 1st May is associated with St. Joseph, earthly father of Jesus, but whose profession was to work as a carpenter in Nazareth. It is appropriate that the 1st of May is marked internationally to celebrate workers. There is a lot going on today, and a lot going on in our gospel reading for today. The reading is one of the Resurrection Narratives, a phrase we introduced to you last week.
So what is all the activity that we hear about? First of all, seven of the disciples – all named, including Thomas who was invited to put his fingers into the crucifixion wounds – go fishing. It was the occupation of a number of the disciples. They can go fishing because they are no longer in Jerusalem, which is land-locked, so not much opportunity there for fishermen. Instead they have re-located to familiar territory, Galilee. The gospel writer tells us they are by the Sea of Tiberias. It is also called the Sea of Galilee.