Sermon preached for Remembrance Sunday – 13th November 2022
Fr Leonard Doolan – St Paul’s Athens
After preaching for Remembrance Sunday every year for 39 years is there anything new that I can say? Probably not. The Christian preacher, I, can only engage in variations on the same theme.
The theme is this. War is a sin – whatever provokes it is also sinful. War is a sin because it causes a chasm; a chasm between man and God, between one person and another, one nation against another; and a chasm to the integrity within ourselves, for it pulls us apart in our ‘oneness’ with God and fellow human. In this chasm we find that we are able, through intellectual game-playing, to justify that one side has justice and right; and that the other side is unjust and wrong. In a sophisticated world like ours, how naïve is that polarisation?
So war is a sin – and its consequences have a huge outreach in human experience. Every war is a vortex of destruction that drags human beings into it, willing or unwilling, combative or non-combative. Nobility sits side by side with collateral damage; destruction sits side by side with the high moral ground.