To all our friends at St Paul’s and beyond
The time has come for Olga and myself not to say a final ‘goodbye’ but rather a heartfelt ‘au revoir’. It has been a long and at times demanding sojourn in Athens. There have been moments of frustration and anxiety but these have been over ridden by so much that was sheer delight and joy. If asked as to whether or not we would do it all over again then we would firmly say, ‘Yes’.
Olga, myself and our daughter Polina deeply value the many friendships that have been struck over these many years and within a variety of contexts. We truly cherish them. Thank you to each and every one of you for being who you are and for becoming part of us. Your warmth, support and guidance have been and are deeply appreciated.
And there was that final ‘farewell occasion’ in the vineyard along with gifts given then and on other occasions. These have provided us with memories that are fresh and truly generous. We will continue to savour them in the passing of time. Thank you greatly.
I trust you will be richly blessed with the ministry of Fr. Leonard and his wife Lynn now being fully installed in the Vicarage and taken up the reins as Senior Anglican Chaplain in Athens.
May the grace of God always support you in whatever lies before you both now and in the future.
And, Yes, that Expresso will be awaiting you if ever you travel up the Adriatic and stop off at the ‘City standing in the Lagoon’ – perhaps with a good dash of Grappa?
In conclusion a huge and sincere ‘thank-you’ to you all with a hug and affectionate kiss on both cheeks.
God bless.
Malcolm, Olga and Polina.
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