The Induction of the Revd. Canon Leonard Wallace Doolan
About sixty-five people gathered in St. Paul’s on June 30th, a swelteringly hot evening, to witness the Induction of Father Leonard. Among the guests were representatives of the Greek Orthodox Church, including the Bishop of Nazianzou, Theodoritos, and Bishop Gabriel. Also in attendance was Embassy staff, members of the Salvation Army and Apostoli. The Greek Evangelical Church was also represented. Last but not least, our outgoing and much-loved Father Malcolm and his wife, Olga. The Archdeacon paid tribute to Father Malcolm and thanked him for his work during his ministry here.
The Service was conducted by the Venerable Colin Williams, Archdeacon of the East. As he spoke to welcome people, an atmosphere of peace was palpable.
After the Liturgy of the Word, the Archdeacon delivered an uplifting sermon. This was followed by the Liturgy of Institution where he agreed to license Canon Leonard. He urged us to pray for him and support him in his ministry. Then Leonard made his declaration of assent. This was followed by the Rededication of the Ministry of the People of God, where nine people were asked to approach him and address him. Each of the nine carried a significant gift.
The first offered Water for Baptism, so that Leonard can share with new Christians the Living Water, that is Jesus Christ Himself. The second offered the Oil of Healing, to show God’s forgiveness. The third, a Bible showing that Leonard studies the scriptures, proclaims the Word and explores the faith. A Stole was offered by the fourth, which was a symbol of Leonard offering the Church’s liturgy and interceding for God’s people. The fifth offered Bread and Wine, showing that Leonard will preside at the Eucharist, when we celebrate the Lord’s death and resurrection. The sixth offered a Symbol of Music, showing that Leonard will use the power of music to deepen our understanding of God’s Word. Olivia, the seventh offered herself as a young person, to show that Leonard will encourage the ministry of young people. Then the eighth, offered Honey and an Olive Branch, on behalf of the local community to show that Leonard would welcome all to the church. Finally, the ninth offered a Cross, a symbol of Ecumenism, to show that Leonard will work with local Christians. The new chaplain then pledged himself to do God’s will and to share the Word of God with the communities throughout Greece.
After the Liturgy of the Sacrament, the choir sang two Anthems, ‘Father God, We Worship You.’ And ‘You Raise Me Up.’ Christina Antoniadou, our organist, should be congratulated on the high standard of the music.
After this, Father Leonard briefly addressed the congregation. He said that we should be persistent in following in the steps of St. Paul, who, despite difficulties and disappointments was never discouraged. He urged us to be compassionate towards the poor and the strangers in our midst. He then asked us to pray for him. He expressed his gratitude to Olga for her invaluable help in dealing with the necessary formalities in settling in Greece.
At the end of this very moving service, the congregation was dismissed with a blessing. Everyone then left the church and gathered in the garden for refreshments provided and served by the owner of La Chocolatiere Mr. Tony Gabriel and his staff. Mrs. Anne Kokotou kindly supplied the wine. Many thanks should go to our wardens, Sue and Nigel, as well as Caroline and Lynn Stavrou who all worked hard to ensure the success of this service.
Altogether it was a lovely evening and we sincerely hope that Canon Leonard and his wife, Lynne, will feel welcome among us.
Text by Mrs Shirley Poulakis
Bob and Christina Lamb
27/03/2019 at 14:58Leonard, Nico Moschos rang this morning and told me of arrangements for Nanette’s memorial service on the 13th of April, I was so pleased and can think of know one better than you for such a precious occasion. Nanette will know who you are as she looks from above as I told her about you before her last trip to Athens. I said that if they needed spiritual help from her mother church you would be perfect.
Nico and Nanette have always been so close and devoted, It is rare and precious to see such true love. Their daughters are delightful and caring but Nico is bereft, they fought for life for so long toghther.
Nanette was kind, fun and generous. In all the years we have known her, I have never heard her utter an unkind word about anyone, even when maybe it was deserved. A woman with beauty and style that shone from within. A model from the 60s, with a grace and style that was her to the end.
I am sure that you are both enjoying a very special life in Athens, somewhat warmer than Wootton. Jim and Vicki and their family’s send their love as do Bob and I.
Caroline Daniels
01/04/2019 at 13:23Hello, thank you for commenting on our Blog. I have forwarded your message to Fr Leonard directly. Please contact him directly on his email address: Anglican@otenet.gr. Thank you.
Caroline Daniels
Website Editor