Early Music Festival: “Odi, Euterpe”

The Early Music Festival’s closing concert centres on “Odi, Euterpe”, an Italian monody of the early 17th century, with performers Fani Antonelou (soprano) and Flora Papadopoulou (baroque harp) under the artistic direction of Dimitris Koundouras. For further details, please consult the Announcements closer to the date.

Early Music Festival: “Medieval Tales” through song & music

The second concert of the Early Music Festival hosted by St. Paul’s features the Ex Silentio Ensemble together with Tobias Schlierf (song, wheel vielle, harp, gemshorn), Dimitris Koundouras (medieval flutes) and Electra Eliadou (vielle). They will perform medieval German folk songs and songs of troubadours. For further details, please consult the Announcements closer to the date.