for St. Paul’s to support

Chaplaincy receives NO Monies from the British Government or Anglican Church.

The appointment of a Chaplain depends 100% on monies raised.

Euro 6000 are needed every month to run the Chaplaincy.

Average income per month only Euro 5000 (incl. fundraising).

The Chaplaincy is committed to giving 10% of its income to Charity.

Maintenance & insurance of historic building of St Paul’s 100% dependent on monies raised.


CURRENTLY, the Chaplaincy has to raise € 92,000.00 per year to cover all necessary expenditure for St. Paul’s maintenance and upkeep. The greater part of this money comes from the dedicated giving of the people who make up the Chaplaincy’s congregations. It is complemented by the various fundraising events organised throughout the year, but even so raising such money each year is a heavy burden. Would you be able to help?

If you would like to, it’s easy to offer a donation to support our work and maintain this beautiful historical building.

Just scan the QR code


Code 2

The Sunday offertory
Many give weekly donations by placing their contribution in the offertory bag when attending Sunday worship. A number of worshippers also make use of the Freewill Offering Envelopes (the Chaplaincy’s preferred choice as it ensures a fixed, calculable annual income), in which they put the regular amount they have decided upon for each Sunday. Those who can’t attend services every Sunday, find the ‘envelope system’ particularly helpful: if they can’t be attend church on a particular Sunday (or series of Sundays), they still fill the envelope dedicated for that (or those) week(s) and place it/them in the offertory bag when they next come to church.

For the time being, Freewill Offering Envelopes can be obtained from the Senior Chaplain.:


You are welcome to use the following link in order to donate via PayPal.

e banking (from inside and outside Greece)
This is a far more direct and less expensive means of contributing than using a cheque, especially as cheques from abroad in a foreign currency are returned by Greek banks to their bank of origin for verification (which runs up further bank charges). Your donation by e banking can be made through your local bank.

The details for the Chaplaincy account for electronic banking are:

BANK: Bank of Piraeus
IBAN: GR82 0172 0500 0050 5008 6327 479

If you are a UK tax payer:
If you are a UK tax payer, you can increase the worth of your contribution to the Chaplaincy with no extra cost to yourself through ‘Gift Aid’. This entails making your donation by placing it in the Chaplaincy’s sterling account at the Diocesan Office in London, and asking for it to be ‘Gift Aided’.

For details, please contact the Diocesan Finance Officer, Mr. Nick Wraight, on: (+44) (0) 20 7898 1155 or by email:


Remember St. Paul’s and help us to preserve and maintain our church for future generations

Your legacy will ensure that Christian worship continues to be offered to Anglicans and other denominations, whilst preserving one of the few important 19th century buildings in Athens.

Your generous contribution will allow us to safeguard this cherished landmark for future generations, fostering a space of spiritual refuge and community connection in the heart of this remarkable city.

Thank you for considering supporting us in this vital mission.

Contacts for further information:

– Nelly Paraskevopoulou, Treasurer of the Board,
– Eleni Palioura, Legal Advisor,

Enquiries about making a legacy can be directed to the Senior Chaplain (tel.: (+30) 210 721 4906; email:

The ‘Friends of St Paul’s’
Those who wish to ensure that St Paul’s Anglican Church in Athens, an important historical building, remains in a good state of repair can become members of the ‘Friends of St. Paul’s’ and make a financial contribution through this association. Money passed on through ‘The Friends’ is earmarked for use only on the upkeep, enhancement and insurance of the building, the garden and the content of St Paul’s. For further information, please click on the ‘Friends of St Paul’s’ here.

Whatever the size of your donation, we are grateful for your help and tender you a warm-hearted ‘thank you’!
There is no such thing as too small a donation – a gift is a gift, however large or small.

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”
Scott Adams
Creator of the Dilbert Comic Strip †