St. Paul’s Church Council Meeting – 29th April, 2023
The meeting was the first following the March Annual meeting and opened with a prayer at 10 a.m. Archdeaconry representatives James Papageorgiou and Vassilis Kotsikogiannis were welcomed at the beginning of their three year appointment, along with Dr. Judy Triandafillou, co-opted for one year.
Appointments: Lynn Stavrou (Vice-chair and Safeguarding Officer); Jean Mertzanakis (Hon. Secretary); Nelly Paraskevopoulou (Hon. Treasurer); James Papageorgiou (Local Environmental Officer/LEO).
Secretarial Report: Annual Statistics for Mission re: attendance numbers, type and regularity of services etc. had been completed by Father Leonard and sent to the Diocesan office; Jean had updated the St. Paul’s information published on the “A Church near You” website.
Chairman’s Report: The Bishop of Truro’s visit had included many official meetings re: his report on Freedom of Religion and Belief for the British government and it was hoped that a committee consisting of ourselves and other churches in Athens could be formed to promote this work. Bishop Philip had conducted a baptism, a confirmation and two receptions into the Anglican Church and said that his visit had reminded him of the diversity he so much appreciated when he was posted in Europe. Treasurer Nelly reported that insurance claim paperwork had been submitted re: the flooding of the Vicarage that had occurred whilst Father Leonard and Lynne were in Scotland. The Ministerial Team (Father Leonard, Father Bjorn, Deacon Chris, Nelly and Angelos) would take place before Father Leonard’s end of tenure on July 23rd in order to arrange services during the interregnum period that would follow his retirement.
Financial Report: A legacy of €28,000 had been received from the estate of the late Sylvia Hill, last member of the Hill family, who had served the church as Council members and Officers for many years. €8,000 would be donated to Greek charities and the remainder would support St. Paul’s. Sylvia’s legacy had been gratefully acknowledged.
Re: online fundraisers, it was decided that there would be one per year during the Christmas season.
Safeguarding Report: New council members must complete Level 1 online Safeguarding training – any member of the congregation could do this if they wished – no cost was involved and a certificate would be issued.
Fundraising/Social Events: The 2023 date would shortly be booked and relations with the War Museum were good. The renting of two tables to “Paidiki Trauma” had been successful and the possibility of renting to other charitable organizations (including our partners) would be considered. Preparations for the Summer Coronation Bazaar were in hand. €2,818 had been raised from book sales between April 2022-2023 and Father Leonard was thanked for his donation of theological works. Books were also sold at Newcomers meetings, attended by Assistant Chaplain Deacon Chris. Sales of the church guide “Opening the Doors” were going well. Coffee mornings and quiz evenings had restarted and were popular fundraising events.
Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter: In accordance with Diocesan best practice, more than one person should be involved in the running of our online communications and teams were currently being formed, involving Caroline Daniels, Churchwarden Trevor, Treasurer Nelly and Chloe Smith.
Council meeting dates: 8th July / 10th September / 12th November.
The meeting closed at 11.30.
Jean Mertzanakis (Hon. Secretary)
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