St. Paul’s Anglican Church response to the Coronavirus
St. Paul’s Anglican Church response to the Coronavirus
At public worship:
- Sanitize hands on entering and leaving the building
- Do not shake hands or do ‘kissy-kissy’ greetings
- Have gel or wipes with you at all times
- Bread only distributed at Holy Communion
We will follow Government directives about any church closures. The Wednesday Liturgy is suspended for the next few weeks anyway.
If St. Paul’s has to close, and no worship can be provided there will always be a weekly sermon posted on the website – in printed form, and where possible, a voice recording. You can access these also on Facebook.
There is a very good ‘Daily Prayer’ app that you could download for free, and you will get Anglican Morning and Evening Prayer provided. It is very simple to use.
At home you might set aside time each day for some quiet reflection and prayer. Keep in touch with the elderly and in particular any known to you who live alone. At present shops that deliver food can stay open.
Pray for one another, and all who are suffering worldwide from this virus – including those whose livelihoods are affected eg. tourism
www.anglicanchurchathens.gr https://www.facebook.com/AnglicanAthens/
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