Services at St Paul’s for Lent and Easter 2019
Ash Wednesday: March 6th 10.00hrs Liturgy with Ashes
Palm Sunday: April 14th 10.15hrs Liturgy with outside Procession and Blessing of Palms
Great (Maundy) Thursday: April 18th 20.00 hrs Liturgy and Procession to the Altar of Repose *
Great (Good) Friday: April 19th 13.30 hrs Liturgy of the Day with Veneration of the Cross *
Great (Holy Saturday): April 20th 20.00 hrs Easter Ceremonies with Lighting of the New Fire, Vigil and First Mass of Easter *
Easter Sunday: April 21st 10.15 hrs Holy Liturgy * followed by Easter Breakfast in the church garden
18.00 hrs Swedish Mass
20.00 hrs Choral Evensong
*Archdeacon Colin Williams will be the preacher
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