Services at St. Paul’s Church Athens for December and Christmas 2017
The St. Paul’s church in Athens is presenting the schedule of all Services taking place during December including all Christmas Services. We look forward to seeing all of you!
December 3rd | Advent Sunday Liturgy at 10.15am |
Swedish Mass at 6.00pm | |
December 10th | Advent 2 ‘St. Nicholas Service’ at 10.15am
(a new type of ‘all age’ liturgy to include young people) |
Choral Evensong at 6.30pm | |
*Sing-a-long Messiah at 8.00pm | |
December 17th | Advent 3 Liturgy of the Word at 10.15am |
Swedish Services for St. Lucy at 5.00pm & 6.00pm | |
*Christmas Carol Sing-a-long at 8.00pm | |
December 24th | *Nativity Play and Liturgy at 10.15am |
*Christmas Carol Service 6.00pm | |
*Midnight Mass of the Nativity at 11.30pm | |
December 25th | *Liturgy for Christmas Day at 10.15am |
December 26th | St. Stephen Liturgy at 10.00am |
December 27th | St. John the Evangelist Liturgy at 10.00am |
December 28th | Holy Innocents Liturgy at 10.00am |
All Wednesdays in December – Liturgy at 10.00am |
(Christmas services marked *)
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