Service Sheet for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity – 1st September 2024
Welcome to our Liturgy of Holy Communion (Sung Mass) New English Hymnal numbers (tunes): Entrance: 285 (England’s Lane) For the beauty of the earth Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 15 Gradual: 500 (Irish) Thy kingdom come! on bended knee Offertory: 436 (Praise, My Soul) Praise, my soul, the King of heaven Post Communion: 456 (Sandys) Teach me, my God and King Recessional: 381 (Ewing) Jerusalem the golden All are welcome to stay for refreshments after the liturgy
A Reading from Deuteronomy (Deutoronomy 4: 1-2, 6-8) Moses said to the people: ‘Now, Israel, take notice of the laws and customs that I teach you today, and observe them, that you may have life and may enter and take possession of the land that the Lord the God of your fathers is giving you. You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from it, but keep the commandments of the Lord your God just as I lay them down for you. Keep them, observe them, and they will demonstrate to the peoples your wisdom and understanding. When they come to know of all these laws they will exclaim, “No other people is as wise and prudent as this great nation.” And indeed, what great nation is there that has its gods so near as the Lord our God is to us whenever we call to him? And what great nation is there that has laws and customs to match this whole Law that I put before you today?’
The Word of the Lord: Thanks be to God
Psalm 15: Response: O Lord, who may dwell in your tabernacle? 1 Lord, who may dwell in your tabernacle? Who may rest upon your holy hill? 2 Whoever leads an uncorrupt life And does the thing that is right; (Response) 3 Who speaks the truth from the heart and bears no deceit on the tongue; 4 Who does no evil to a friend and pours no scorn on a neighbour; (Response) 5 In whose sight the wicked are not esteemed, but who honours those who fear the Lord. 6 Whoever has sworn to a neighbour and never goes back on that word; (Response) 7 Who does not lend money in hope of gain, nor take a bribe against the innocent; 8 Whoever does these things Shall never fall. (Response)
A Reading from the Letter of James (James 1: 17-18, 21-22, 27) It is all that is good, everything that is perfect, which is given us from above; it comes down from the Father of all light; with him there is no such thing as alteration, no shadow of a change. By his own choice he made us his children by the message of the truth so that we should be a sort of first-fruits of all that he had created. Accept and submit to the word which has been planted in you and can save your souls. But you must do what the word tells you, and not just listen to it and deceive yourselves. Pure, unspoilt religion, in the eyes of God our Father is this: coming to the help of orphans and widows when they need it, and keeping oneself uncontaminated by the world. The Word of the Lord: Thanks be to God Gospel acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life: you have the message of eternal life.
The Lord be with you. And also with you. + A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark (7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23) Glory to you, O Lord.
(after the Gospel reading): The Gospel of the Lord: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
Prayer after communion: Lord, you renew us at your table with the bread of life. May this food strengthen us in love and help us to serve you in each other.
For our Prayers: All affected by the recent fires, for Peace with Justice in the Sudan, Ukraine and Russia, and Gaza. For the sick: Julia, Sherry, Helena, Jennifer, Jane, George Halkidis, Eva, Austin, Linda, Theodore, Sue, Guy, Margarita, Marcus, Christina, Theresa, Lodo, Dimitri, Fran, Nicholas, Eleftheria, and Christina and Daphne and for their carers
Almighty and everlasting God, give unto us the increase of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain that which thou dost promise, make us to love that which thou dost command; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer)
Church Open: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Weds. 4th September: 10 a.m. Low Mass; liturgy followed by refreshments
Sun. 8th September 10 a.m. Sung Mass; liturgy followed by refreshments
Coffee Morning: 12th September (Thursday) (10:00 a.m.)
Choral Evensong: Saturday 14th September; Sunday 27th October; Sunday 24th November; Sunday 22nd December (6:00 p.m.)
Autumn Bazaar: Saturday 28th September
Harvest Festival: Sunday 20th October
Study Group: details from Fr. Benjamin; Walking Group: 7th September (details from Fr. Benjamin)
Donate via card by scanning the QR code, thank you for supporting St Paul’s Church
Priest Chaplain: Fr. Benjamin Drury frbenjamindrury@gmail.com; Home tel.: 210 72 14 906 Deacon Christine Saccali : (Day Off: Friday) 697 737 7655 Church of Sweden: Fr. Bjorn Kling 694 6072428 Facebook @AnglicanAthens www.anglicanchurchathens.gr
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