Report on the 378th meeting of St. Paul’s Church Council held on 5th February, 2022
The Minutes for this meeting were signed as an accurate record of proceedings by Father Leonard at the 379th meeting held on May 28th
The meeting opened at 2.30 p.m. and closed at 5 p.m. Co-optees for 2022-2023, Melissa Dixon and Oliver Knight, were welcomed and Father Leonard reminded everyone of the confidentiality of all Council proceedings.
Covid regulations: unchanged but Council agreed to the re-introduction of wine to Holy Communion by means of intinction by Father Leonard. Anyone wishing to receive only the Host could continue to do so.
Finances: Treasurer Nelly reported a smaller deficit and noted the receipt of a one-off payment of €4,000 from the Greek State in response to the Covid crisis (1,500 of which had been shared by Crete and Corfu), also two amounts totalling €5,300 from the Diocesan Hardship Fund. Requests for hire of the church were being received. Council agreed that a donation of €2,000 from Holy Trinity, Brussels for the purpose of charitable giving, should be given to the Green Light project, where Salvation Army officers were helping trafficked women to find a safe haven and learn skills enabling them to become independent of their ‘controller’ and find accommodation for them and their children.
Safeguarding: Lynn reminded council that Safeguarding Level 1 was a requirement for all council members plus Level 2 for those in direct contact with children.
Environment: it was agreed that improving the church garden was a way to make St. Paul’s more environmentally friendly.
Council Officers’ Responsibilities: two meetings had been held to discuss several areas that were vital to the smooth running of the church – a document collating the results would be produced and a meeting arranged to go over them.
Fundraising Events: A Jumble Sale, a Spring Bazaar and an online Easter Fundraiser would be arranged, books would be stored in the crypt for ease of access when Bazaars were held and there would be two table-top sales each Sunday. The War Museum would be booked again for the 2022 Christmas Bazaar, a donation had been received for publishing costs of the revised and extended version of the St. Paul’s History booklet and a book launching event would be arranged. The Patronal Festival would be held in the church garden in summer and an event organised to celebrate the Platinum Anniversary (70 years) of the Queen’s reign. There was also the possibility of a summer wine-tasting event.
Emergency Phone Numbers: if they so wished, congregation members living alone could provide their contact details, which would be handled in accordance with the rules of the UK Data Protection Act.
Council Meeting Dates: the Annual Meeting would take place at St. Paul’s on Sunday 3rd April and Council would then meet on 8th May, 9th July, 10th September and 12th November.
The meeting closed with the Grace at 5 p.m.
Jean Mertzanakis (Hon. Secretary)
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