Report on 388th meeting of Chaplaincy Council held on Sunday 19th November in church at 12 noon
Visiting priest Father Terry Hemming had been invited to attend the meeting, which proceeded as follows:
Matters arising from the previous minutes
Following a presentation by Cosmo Murray, organiser of the Mazi hostel for homeless immigrants, Council agreed to donate the remaining 2,000 Euros of the 2023 refugee fund to pay for 3 months rent and prevent closure (the Refugee Fund is financed only by donations towards specific causes). Representatives of the organisations “Melissa” and “Creative Hands” would be invited to give a presentation in 2024. Any member of the congregation can put forward the name of an organisation that needs support and it will be considered by Council.
Standing Committee Report on 8th October meeting
As part of our Safeguarding duty of care, members of this Committee (Assistant Chaplain, Wardens, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary) had met with the organiser of a small group currently caring for a member of the congregation. The care programme, assistance from Council members and other issues were discussed and lines of communication would be kept open, with further meetings arranged if necessary.
Financial Report
Members had received copies of the accounts and Nelly distributed “Funding our Future”, a Diocesan leaflet. St. Paul’s current income of 1,345 Euros per week did not cover costs and a further 233 per week were needed. There were 50 regular contributors and an increase to 70 would be extremely useful. Council agreed that a “Giving Day” should take place once a year, with a presentation and a sermon on “the grace of giving” (St. Paul, Corinthians 2).
Safeguarding Report
Lynn had attended a Diocesan Zoom conference and in comparison with some other congregations we were doing well / safeguarding Certificates needed renewing every 3 years (online) and there was a waiting list / First Aid training was recommended and the Hellenic Red Cross offered a 6-hour course in theory, practice and defibrillation over one or two sessions at a cost of 30 Euros per person at their premises or elsewhere e.g. the Swedish Centre
Churchwardens’ Report
Trevor reported that a quote for repair of a leak in the vestry roof was awaited from our architect / a set of drums stored there would be removed and dusted and a decision on how to dispose of them would then be made / space had been cleared in the Crypt for concert performers to change / due to lack of storage space he would price a collapsible waterproof tent for storing books and other items that needed protection and report back to Council.
Notices would be posted on the board and service sheet reminding the congregation to take care of their personal items, to turn off or silence their mobile phones during the service and only take photos after the service / The Athens Fire Department would be contacted to arrange a session on fire and earthquake procedures – Wardens, Verger and Events Organiser would attend this.
Distribution of Communion
Bishop Robert and Diocesan Synod had agreed on the basis of theological conviction and good practice that intinction of the Host into the Communion Wine should not continue. Wine should be taken from the Chalice but Communion in one kind only (the bread/wafer) was permitted. A return to the practice of receiving Communion at the Altar was discussed and deferred until our new Senior Chaplain was with us.
Synod Report
Assistant Chaplain Deacon Chris had circulated a report that would be presented at the Annual Meeting in April.
Work of Ministry Team during the Vacancy
Deacon Chris thanked Licensed Reader Nelly and Father Bjorn for their help.
Pastoral Care
Father Terry was taking part in house meetings and giving Communion to those who could not attend church.
World Day of Prayer – 1st March every year
Judy Triantafillou was welcomed as our representative, following Nelly’s several years of service in this role. The Day was organised by the Evangelical church, supported by the Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican churches.
Local Environmental Report (LEO)
James had followed a Diocesan Webinar and distributed a handout about becoming an Eco-Church. He would find out to what extent we already met the necessary criteria and report back to Council.
- Harvest Festival: 120 people present and 733 Euros raised
- Community Connect: popular and well-attended /
- Quiz Evening: next one December 8th /
- Book Sales: Over 2,000 Euros raised per annum and 3,700 over the last 18 months with 125 raised at the previous Community Connect
- Christmas Bazaar: new banners ordered, heaters hired, food donations for the cafeteria were needed and someone had been found to run the Gift Stall
- Church Window pamphlet: Oliver and Jean were collaborating on this and the Nigerian Ambassador had offered to sponsor its production
Any other Business
A replacement mulberry tree had been sourced and Deacon Chris would look at prices in her local area outside Athens
Franca had joined us and become a Sidesperson – she would need to obtain Level 1 Safeguarding certification.
Dates of 2024 meetings
4th February
14th April – Annual meeting with reports and voting if there were vacancies
30th June / 15th September / 3rd November
Father Terry led Council in saying the Grace at 2.25 p.m.
Jean Mertzanakis (Hon. Secretary)
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