Minutes of September Council Meeting
387th meeting of St. Paul’s Chaplaincy Council – 10th September 2023 at 12 noon
Introduction: The Minutes of two previous meetings were approved, actions taken noted and the following were pending: rota for supervision of St. Paul’s Sunday merchandising table /a TRIO (The Responsibility is Our) financial presentation / official advice on church evacuation procedure in case of a major event.
The vacancy: Paperwork had been submitted and, following advice from our Bishop, amendments were made due to the importance of St. Paul’s within the Diocese and our fruitful relationships with the Orthodox Church and other faith groups. The post would now be advertised not only on the Diocesan website but also in the Church Times.
Finances: These were slowly recovering following losses due to Covid and helped by the much-appreciated legacy of the late Sylvia Hill. Looking forward, fundraising events needed to be expanded in order to avoid the use of UK funds.
Safeguarding: Certificate-holders were reminded to note the date of expiry and apply for new ones if necessary. Any congregation member could obtain Level 1 certification, free and with an online course.
Environment: Local Environment Officer (LEO), James Papageorgiou, presented his report and it was agreed that St. Paul’s should aim to become an Eco-Church as part of the Diocesan project to become a Green Diocese.
Chaplaincy Apartment: A new washing machine and some furniture needed replacing and the floor repairing due to flood damage earlier in the year caused by a blockage within the building.
Ministry Team and Locum (visiting priest): Assistant Chaplain Deacon Chris reported that the team was working successfully to ensure continuity of services and Diocesan Office would notify us of the availability of locums. Other Chaplaincies and individuals would also be approached for support.
Pastoral Care: Father Ted Wetherall, now elderly, had been hospitalised and official services were no longer held in Tolos. Phone calls and home visits to the sick and housebound continued and any cause for concern could be referred to our Ministry team or a council member for action.
Refugee Giving: The final date for distribution of these funds was approaching and Cosmo Murray of the ‘Mazi’ Housing Agency for homeless immigrants would give a Sunday presentation on their work.
Fundraising: Community Connect Coffee mornings, quiz evenings and book sales continued, the Harvest Festival would take place on 22nd October and the upper floor of the War Museum was booked for 3rd December.
The meeting closed with prayer at 2 p.m. – next meeting Sunday, 19th November.
Jean Mertzanakis (Hon. Secretary)
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