Minutes of Council Meeting held on 9th July 2022
Due to the summer break and the necessity to postpone the September meeting, these minutes were signed as a correct record of proceedings by Father Leonard on 1st October.
- Lynn Stavrou was appointed vice-Chairperson until the 2023 APCM and a possible co-option to council was under consideration (co-options last for one year only, during which co-optees can acquaint themselves with the workings of the Church Council; during that time they have the right to vote).
- A letter of thanks for our support of the Diocesan Common Fund (for assisting churches throughout the Diocese) had been received from Bishop Robert;
- Lynne Doolan’s letter regarding children’s resources was discussed – she and Father Leonard would bring Children’s Bibles from the UK in July and a donation of 500 Euros had been received from a visitor.
- Following the Jubilee Bazaar it was good to learn that the deficit had decreased and requests for concert bookings were expected after the summer; fees for all services requested at St. Paul’s and elsewhere would be increased after several years commencing from 1st September, with regular reviews.
- Guarding the church gate on Sundays should concern all members of the congregation, not only those assigned to this duty; the reconvening of Sunday School in September would require a second person (with safeguarding certification – available online) to assist Lynne Doolan; Sunday School could not take place in the Crypt as there was no second exit point;
- A case of unruly behaviour at the Jubilee Bazaar had been dealt with and a threat had been made to Church warden Trevor when requesting to see vaccination certificates – both incidents had been officially recorded. The Bazaar and the concert of traditional English music by the Athens Singers had been a great success; more large umbrellas would be purchased for similar events; book sales continue to do well; a combined book launch of Father Leonard’s “Opening the Doors” and wine-tasting would be arranged at Ag. Filothei, an Ottoman-era house in Plaka; books would be sold at the Harvest Festival. Matilda and Clara were thanked for assisting at the Patronal Festival;
- Work on St. Paul’s newsletter was progressing and would be further discussed at the September Council meeting;
- Churchwarden Trevor would price the purchase of a frame for the mulberry tree;
- problems with the air-conditioning system would be addressed;
- Organist/ Concert Organiser Christina was thanked for her work and her proposals regarding church hire fees; an offer of payment for the rebinding of hymn books was gratefully acknowledged and some of the hymnals used by the choir would also be restored.
Jean Mertzanakis (Hon. Secretary)
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