Mark the 2016 Spring Bazaar on your calendar!
The 10th edition of the Spring Bazaar is being held on Saturday, 28th May, between 10am and 3pm in the garden of St. Paul’s, Philellinon 27 & Amalias Avenue, just a short walk away from the Syntagma metro and tram stations. Join us on a sunny day, hopefully literally although certainly figuratively, to stock up on summer reading, re-sample jams and preserves first bought at Christmastime, get homemade cakes and pies, or meet up with friends and enjoy a chat over a cup of coffee or a sandwich in an Anglophone environment – in a not so English garden! And if the spring-cleaning urge has come upon you recently and you have anything in mint condition that you no longer want to keep on your shelves or in your cupboards, do combine the agreeable to the useful: free up space in your home, while contributing to making this bazaar a success by giving it to be sold. St. Paul’s will be open for such donations on a daily basis, from 10am to 12 o’clock noon, as of the previous Sunday, i.e. from the 22nd to the 27th May. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 28th May!
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