Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2019
Fr James’ sessions will continue through
Lent, with a focus on some of the ‘marks’ of
the Christian life.
These three sessions would make a good
‘standalone’ series even if you are unable to
commit to all the other sessions.
Weds 13th March, 12.30hrs, Swedish centre
Sacrifice & generosity
Weds 27th March, 10.45hrs, St Paul’s
Community & mission
Weds 10th April, 12.30pm, Swedish Centre
Community Connect
Join with friends old and new for coffee and cake
Central Athens – Weds 13th March, 10.30 –
12.30, Swedish Centre
Kifissia – Weds 20th March, 10.00 – 12.00,
Loida Home for the Elderly
Ash Wednesday: March 6th
Liturgy with Ashes at 10.00hrs
Palm Sunday: April 14th
Liturgy with outside Procession and
Blessing of Palms at 10.15hrs
Great (Maundy) Thursday: April 18th
Liturgy and Procession to the Altar of Repose
at 20.00hrs*
Great (Good) Friday: April 19th
Liturgy of the Day with Veneration of the Cross
at 13.30hrs*
Great (Holy Saturday): April 20th
Easter Ceremonies with Lighting of the New
Fire, Vigil and First Mass of Easter
at 20.00hrs*
Easter Sunday: April 21st
Holy Liturgy at 10.15hrs*
followed by Easter Breakfast in the church garden
Swedish Mass at 18.00hrs
Choral Evensong at 20.00hrs
*Archdeacon Colin Williams will be the
Taize Worship
Inspired by the monastic Taize community in
France, these seven Wednesday evening
Lenten services are a way to focus ourselves
on God, to contemplate the beauty and
mystery of existence, and to help relieve the
stresses of the day.
In the peace-filled space of the sanctuary of
the second floor of the Swedish Centre, in
the glow of candlelight, these services
provide an uncomplicated framework for
quiet meditation, reflection, readings and
You are encouraged to participate as the
Spirit moves you, whether in song, prayer, or
quiet meditation, so that a deep quiet may
grow in your heart.
Dates: March 6, 13, 20, 27 &
April 3, 10, 17
Time: 19:30 (starting promptly)
Venue: Church of Sweden in Greece
Deadalou 18, Plaka
Services in English (some songs in Latin)
St. Paul’s Anglican Church and the Swedish
Lutheran congregation in co-operation
Lent Bible Study
For a few weeks we will study together a
selection of passages from St. Mark’s
Together we will use the bible study method
called Lectio Divina to study the scriptures
quietly and reflectively.
Dates: March 7, 14, 21, 28 &
April 4
Time: 19.00 – 20.00 (starting promptly)
Venue: Karneadou 6 (2nd floor), Kolonaki
We will have to limit the group to the first 10
people who sign up
The list is available in church
Understanding the Liturgy
At the 10.15am Liturgy each Sunday in Lent
(not March 31st which is ‘Mothering Sunday’)
Fr. Leonard will focus his pulpit teaching on
the study of the Liturgy.
Sunday 10th March: The sacrament of
Sunday 17th March: The sacrament of
Sunday 24th March: The sacrament of Prayer
Sunday 7th April: The sacrament of Offering
Sunday 14th April: The sacrament of Mission
Each sermon will be accompanied by a
printed handout
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