Good Friday Services from Corfu
Dear All,
In preparation for Good Friday, we have posted two services at HTC Online: i). a service of meditations for Good Friday and, ii). a service of the Stations of the Cross. Both services are available in the three formats, video, audio and a document.
I would like to suggest that we set aside as much of the three hours between 12 – 3 pm tomorrow as a devotional space as we can. Take time again to reflect on the incredible depth of Jesus’ love for us and to tell Him what He means to us. Each service lasts around 40 minutes and is designed be used as during that time.
The link is here: https://sites.google.com/view/holytrinitycorfuonline/home, then select Services for Good Friday.
Services for Easter Sunday will available soon, as well as our live service – God willing!!
Please remember if you need any help or would like to talk through anything, just let me know – 6986538755, julesjwilson@gmail.com.
With every blessing,
Rev Julian Wilson.
Chaplain, Holy Trinity Corfu.
21, L. Mavili Street,
Phone: (0030) 698 653 8755
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