Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers
On Sunday 15th April 2018 St Paul’s Anglican Church Athens is proud to present,
The Edinburgh University Renaissance singers :
“Come Woeful Orpheus”
An evening of Renaissance Choral Music from around Europe, Directed by Noel O’Regan.
Music by Byrd, Lassus, Monteverdi and Shutz.
Time: 8.30pm
Entrance Free
Retiring collection for the Church
Joan Creiger
18/03/2019 at 20:06Hello,
How do I book a ticket for The Renaissance Singers on March 23 when I do not use Facebook please?
Thank you.
Caroline Daniels
19/03/2019 at 17:04Thank you for your enquiry. Unfortunately the concert for the Renaissance Singers was Last Year not this year. All details of our concerts appear on our website under the “Culture” Section, either on the “St Paul’s Calendar” or with more details – tickets, information etc, in the “Concerts and Other Events” Sections.