Easter Services at St. Paul’s
As we enter Holy Week and prepare for Easter Sunday -Christianity’s most important and oldest festival celebrating the resurrection of Christ- here is a reminder of the services scheduled at St. Paul’s Anglican Church over this period.
Thursday 24th March: Maundy Thursday
20:00 Liturgy of the Last Supper and Stripping of the Altar
Friday 25th March: Good Friday
15:00 Liturgy for Good Friday
Saturday 26th March: Easter Eve
20:00 Lighting of the Easter Candle, Vigil and Holy Eucharist
Sunday 27th March: Easter Day
10:15 Sung Eucharist of Easter – a family service with an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.
Do remember: on the 27th March, we “spring forward” by one hour due to daylight saving time!
Fresco with the Crucifixion and the Resurrection by Andrea di Bonaiuto, 1366, and possibly the earliest depiction of a “hovering” Christ. Basilica of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy
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