Council Meeting Report 15th May 2021
The 374th meeting of our Chaplaincy Council took place on Saturday, 3rd July, in the Church building. The Minutes of the 373rd meeting, held on 15th May, were signed by Father Leonard as an accurate record of proceedings. Until such a ‘signing-off’ of the Minutes, no report can be made of decisions taken at any Council meeting.
All Council members (Father Leonard, Deacon Chris Saccali, Trevor Kamuzonde, Lynn Stavrou, Nelly Paraskevopoulou, Sue Stephos, Jean Mertzanakis, Noelle Barkshire, Matilda Amartey, Angelos Palioudakis, Alice Karanja and Banji Ipinsokan) were present at the 15th May meeting, which was attended in part by Archdeacon Leslie Nathaniel of the Diocese in Europe. Archdeacon Leslie reported on the effect of the Covid pandemic on the Diocese and measures taken to ensure continuity of worship and Diocesan life. He spoke with each Council member personally prior to leaving the meeting. The following items were discussed and decisions taken:
Annual Stipend Review: to be discussed further in January.
Appointments: Churchwarden Trevor Kamuzonde agreed to continue as Vice-Chairperson; Jean Mertzanakis would continue as Secretary; no names had been put forward as co-optees, to serve on the Council for a year prior to full membership (or not), but co-optees can be appointed at any time.
Bishops’ Guide to a Well-Run Chaplaincy: this document had been studied by Council members and was adopted as a basis for running the Athens Chaplaincy.
Renewal of Father Leonard’s Licence: due to end in June 2022, this would be further considered at the July meeting – if agreed a note of submission for an extension would be sent to Bishop Robert.
Covid 19 update: Father Leonard stated again that St. Paul’s followed legal advice, which meant that 9 people could attend services in church but more could follow from the garden.
Financial Report: our Treasurer reported that the situation was still dire but the Easter promotions had been successful and those who contributed via the monthly envelope scheme continued to do so. It was agreed that a request for financial help be made to the Diocesan Hardship Fund and further amounts from the Property Fund and Fixed investments should be made available when necessary.
Environmental Report: LEO (Local Environmental Officer) Linda Paparsenos requested that a mail-shot be sent out asking for volunteers to form a small Environmental Committee. Council agreed that Linda should provide brief details of the tasks involved and subsequently the names of those serving on the Committee.
Congregational Worship Leader: Council member Alice Karanja wished to undertake this course of training and would make a personal presentation at the next meeting.
Diocesan Ordination Enquiry System: Angelos Palioudakis made a presentation on his studies and training so far and Council agreed to support his application to continue his studies.
Safeguarding Report: Safeguarding Officer Lynn Stavrou reported that all Level 2 training was on track.
Dates of future meetings: July 3rd, September 11th and November 13th.
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