Community Connect Athens
Community Connect Athens has been running for many years as a monthly Coffee Morning whereby members of the community can meet up in a warm and safe place to comfortably sit, chat and have a cup of coffee and a slice or two of cake. Anyone is welcome and many people who find it difficult to get out on a daily basis make a special effort to come to these Coffee Mornings and catch up on all the latest gossip and news.
More often than not we have a Raffle for 50 cents a number or Mini Bingo for two euro a game, and someone will always be seated on the “Lucky Chair’! Special occasions during the year are marked with a themed decoration or cake –New Year – Cutting of the Vasilopita (New Year’s Cake), Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and of course Christmas – Cutting of the Christmas Cake. Birthdays are also celebrated in a spirit of warmth and friendship.
Anne Dedes, who makes the hand-made Greetings Cards always on sale, and her team: Lesley – Coffee Maker extraordinaire, Janet – resident Librarian and Book Seller, and Anne – Good as new Clothes organiser- work hard before and during the morning to make sure everyone enjoys themselves. Home-made Jams and preserves are also always on sale.
As always we are indebted to volunteers who are able each month to make and donate cakes, and now we could really do with some additional help. If you would like to help set up and serve the coffee, or would be willing to bake or buy a cake for donation to the coffee mornings we would be very pleased to hear from you. If you are able to help, please contact Anne Dedes at, annededes@yahoo.co.uk
We are very grateful to the Swedish Church who enables us to hold our coffee mornings in the comfortable surroundings of the Swedish Centre.
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