Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2023
16 February 2023
To the Clergy and People of the Diocese in Europe
Very soon we will embark on our Lenten journey once again. These are extraordinary times, with war continuing in Ukraine (the focus of our 2022 Appeal), and with unprecedented suffering in South East Türkiye and North West Syria as a result of recent earthquakes. The people of our diocese have been generous in responding to these huge needs, and certainly the people of Ukraine and Türkiye/Syria are very much in our prayers.
It has been the tradition for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal to focus on a particular need within our diocesan family. We have pockets within the diocese where the reality is much more like the developing world than what is experienced in the comparatively rich north. One such area of the diocese is Morocco.
Many have now settled in the region of the capital, Rabat, where we have not had a permanent Church presence. Thanks to the vision of past chaplains in Casablanca and the dedication of a core of supporters in Rabat, a new congregation is being built up. This year’s Bishop’s Lent Appeal is to support this congregation in the next crucial phase of its development.
Archdeacon David Waller outlines below more details of this project:
Read the full context of the Bishop’s Appeal here
How you can donate to the Bishop in Europe’s Lent Appeal 2023 : By cheque: “Advent Appeal 2022”. Diocese in Europe Board of Finance 1 4, Tufton St London SW1P 3QZ |
By bank transfer: Account number: 40317039 Sort code: 20-06-13 IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39 Swiftbic: BUKBGB22 |
On the Diocese in Europe Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/diocese-ineurope
Or: via your Chaplaincy Treasurer to Nick Wraight in the Diocesan Office
Elizabeth Lochhead
27/02/2023 at 19:14The website states ‘Read the full context of the Appeal here’. I cannot make any contact for further information
I live in Malta, a member of Christians Together in Malta’ and my Baptist friends: Knisja Evangelika Battista , have for very many years been involved in supporting Christians in North Africa. (A natural geographical neighbour) They help train, encourage, and support various countries, including Morocco. They do not loudly publicize their work.
This week they have their conference, so I phoned to find out if they had any information about Morocco. It turns out that TOMORROW they have a report from Morocco. I have been invited to go along and listen. I will do this, but would be more pleased if I had more information about the newly approved Anglican Church and was hoping to read it online. So far no success.
My husband and I have been thwarted in the last Covid years for having a Lent Lunch and are very eager to do so this year. More information about the project would help that too.
Elizabeth A C Lochhead, St Paul’s Anglican Pro Cathedral.
Caroline Daniels
01/03/2023 at 14:00Hello, I am sorry if you have not been able to get the details of the appeal – it could be that you clicked on an unamended version. If you go to our website and look at the Home Page you will see details of the appeal in our News Section and the Hyperlink at the bottom of the column takes you to the full text of the Bishop’s Appeal.
I think that you will get more details from the Diocese in Europe’s own website – http://europe.anglican.org/
Thank you for contacting us.
Caroline Daniels
01/03/2023 at 21:16Hello again, I have actually checked the Blog and I’m afraid the original hyperlink wasn’t activated. This has now been rectified. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Caroline Daniels