Bird Psalm
The Swallow said,
He comes like me,
Longed for; unexpectedly.
The superficial eye
Will pass him by,
Said the Wren.
The best singer ever heard.
No one will take much notice,
Said the Blackbird.
The Owl said,
He is who, who is he
Who enters the heart as soft
As my soundless wings, as me.
Capturing the spirit of Christmas as only a poet can, U.A. Fanthorpe, CBE (1929-2009) would send out cards to relatives and friends with verse according to the whim of the moment. ‘Bird Psalm’ is included in her book Christmas Poems, BC-AD, illustrated by Nick Wadley and published in 2002 by Enitharmon Press, which presents the entirety of these original Christmas cards.
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