Anglican Story A series of sessions to explore who we are what we believe and how that affects what we do, as Christians in the Anglican tradition.
January – June 2019
Our Christian faith doesn’t stand still.
Life’s journey – the places and people, joys and sorrows we have known; they all have an influence on the shape of our faith today.
And there is always more to ask, learn and discover.
Anglican Story is a series of sessions designed to help us explore who we are, what we believe and how that affects what we do, as Christians in the Anglican tradition.
Each session will begin with a Bible reading and introductory talk on a particular theme from Fr James, followed by a time of discussion and exploration of the issues it raises for each of us.
No question will be out of bounds and we will hopefully discover some answers from, and with, each other.
We will end each session with a period of quiet reflection to consider all we have shared.
No matter for how long or short a time you have been aware of your faith, why not take this opportunity for refreshment and enrichment in the company of fellow pilgrims on the way?
Sessions will last approx. 1.5 hours and will be held twice monthly on Wednesdays, once a month at the Swedish Centre (following on from Community Connect, at approx. 12.30pm) and the alternate week in St Paul’s Church, immediately after the midweek service (approx.10.45am).
The dates, venues and topics for each session are outlined below. [Key: SwC = Swedish Centre; StP = St Paul’s Church]
Although the sessions will be most valuable for those who are able to attend the whole course, the individual sessions will also be ‘standalone’ and it will be possible to dip in and out if you’re unable to make every one.
Theophany – Lent
Introductory sessions: the God we worship
Weds 9 Jan SwC How did we get here?
Weds 23 Jan StP Encountering God – Father
Weds 13 Feb SwC Encountering God – Son
Weds 27 Feb StP Encountering God – Holy Spirit
Lent – Holy Week
The narrow way: marks of the Christian life
Weds 13 March SwC Forgiveness
Weds 27 March StP Sacrifice and generosity
Weds 10 April SwC Community and mission
Easter – Trinity
Distinctively Anglican – story, ethos and practice
Weds 8 May SwC Anglican history
Weds 22 May StP Creeds and doctrine
Weds 12 June SwC Worship and sacraments
Weds 26 June StP The Anglican Communion
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