A Letter from St Paul’s Local Environment Officer
Dear Friends,
Elizabeth Bussmann, Environment Officer for the Diocese in Europe, points out that environmental concerns in the Diocese are not a task for just one person. LEOs need the support of a team to make it a project owned by the whole congregation. And so I am asking anyone interested in any aspect of the environment to join our St. Paul’s LEO team and lend a hand – this will be almost completely electronically done (minimal physical meetings)
Something we can focus on is a plastic-free environment. Don’t think of plastic waste as that great blob travelling the Pacific Ocean. It exists in every water-way in the world – lakes, ponds, streams, rivers and oceans. What you decide as an individual, what your neighbours decide as a community and what we do as a congregation must and will have an effect on reducing this horrible blight which gets into our drinking water, affects the life of water creatures, enters the food chain and is finally eaten by us. It seeps into the water used for agriculture, both surface and ground, thereby affecting the crops we and our livestock eat. Plastic is toxic. Think before buying it or using it. Try to get your local shops and others to stop using it and point them towards available alternatives.
We can also help develop resources at St Paul’s, such as information sheets or ideas for future projects, to make it possible for all to do something to conquer this scourge.
You needn’t be a member of the congregation, just have an interest in saving our environment and have access to a computer and basic skills. However much time you can spare, please join us and help in any way you can.
If interested, please email me at foreignwife@hotmail.com – Subject: Environment. Once I have a few names, an information sheet will be sent out detailing more of what is needed. Right now we need your name and address or area where you live. We hope to have an in-person meeting at some time in the future but, of course, must wait until gatherings are permitted. (Please note that, in line with our Data Protection Policy, any personal information you provide will not be distributed further.)
I hope you find the above information of interest and look forward to hearing from you if you wish to join our LEO team.
With best wishes,
Linda Paparsenos – Local Environment Office for St. Paul’s
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