130 lilies

Easter Lilies

A big thank you to all those who donated 130 lilies in memory of their loved ones. you can see the virtual lilies above and below, the  beautiful flower arrangements that were placed in the Church for Easter Sunday.. The names of your loved ones are given below and will also be written in the Easter Book of  Remembrance, which will be available to view in the Church when it re-opens.

Once again we are hugely grateful to Mary Pelides for making these wonderful flower arrangements to decorate the Church.




Maurice Ashford


Ann Skinner,


Hardy, Lounton and Griffin families

Anthony Antoniadis. Christine Woodlands  . Karl Darley.


Donald Orr, Carolyn Grandstaff,  Costas Makaritis,
Sandra Makaritis
Marjorie, Dimitris, Pat, Mary, Mario,

Zoe, Pantelis ,Maria, Anastasia, Vera.


Maria, Paraskevas, Maria, Eftsathios, George, Ephraim, Salome, Momo 8


Matilda Amartey family


Jenkins/Dedes Families


Angela Hutton, Pat Mills, Pam Nicholson, John and Roseabelle Newton, Arthur and Rose Wayt, Moscha Arabopoulou, Peter Contraros. Alex maroukis Dimitri maroukis, Wendy mansell


Jack and Margery Bradley


Dimitrios Poulakis

Martha Jessie Hodgson

Ernest Hodgson

Arthur Bliss

Stelios Mamatis

Poppy Mamati

Philip Peter Poulakis

Maria Poulakis

Michalis Papageorgiou


Ione Mylonas Shear

George F. Bass


Family Phelps, Family Athanasopoulou, Mike, Michael, Elaine and Austin Jr.


Evelyn Tomlinson

Doug Tomlinson

Dave Tomlinson.
Doreen Varney
Leslie Charles Varney

Ernest John Hunt
Alice hunt
Millie & Ken Birch
Peter Durnford and Evangelia Mandaliou


Sydney Daniels

Mary Daniels

Nicholas Tanner

Barbara Tanner

Miss Karen Terry


Lela and Panagioti Bravidis  Theodore Angelopoulos , Nausika Remoundou (Evangelos Nicolaidis  Louise Papayiannis  Phaedon Tatos


Zaharoula Pelidis  Michael Pelidis  Constantine Byron Pelidis.

Alfred Cox,  Franz Rautter and  George  Kantianis.


Wallace Doolan


The Comer family and the Zervos family


Ken and Rene Childerstone, Susan Carter, Mark Gibbling, Peter Rose,Gavin Waddell,Vani Tzavellou


Yvonne Vandemark

Peggy Lou Vandemark

Angelina Severs

John Severs

Norman Severs

Drosia Paparsenos Alatzas

George Passas

Achilleas Vasilliou Paparsenos

Vasiliki Paparsenou

John Day


Joan Elder, Gweneth Rohde,


Thomas Haidon

Be Haidon

Kim Baltzarsen

Panagiota Gioulafendi






1 Comment
  • James Mansell

    21/08/2023 at 16:41 Reply


    Ref Wendy Mansell

    I have been made aware of my sisters early passing & would like to ask if you could share the circumstances surrounding her

    I would like to thank you in advance for your help in dealing with her funeral arrangements & would kindly you send details of this too.


    James Mansell ( eldest brother .)


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